• Hello everyone,

    I want to release my shop but there are a few problems to solve …

    1. https://pony.candy-from-heaven.de/?post_type=product
    If you move your mouse over a product, it appears “Optionen ansehen”.
    I want to rename it into “Shop Now”. Where can I do that?

    2. https://pony.candy-from-heaven.de/?post_type=product
    You’ll see a product called “50s Eiskreme Kleid” and underneath “Ab: 159,00 €”.
    Where I can change the word “Ab” or even delete it?

    3. If you go to the shopping cart, the coupon field appears for a short moment, but in the next moment, it disappears again. Is anyone able to solve also this problem?

    I use WooCommerce 2.0.9 and have installed the following plugins:
    All In One SEO Pack
    Contact Form 7
    File Un-Attach
    NextGEN Gallery
    Regererate Thumbnails
    Sidebar Login
    WooCommerce – All in One SEO Pack
    WooCommerce Deutsch (de_DE)
    WPML Multilingual CMS
    Wysija Newsletter

    Thank you very much in advance for your help!

    Friendly regards,


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  • If it helps any, the word “ab” translated to “from” on my browser. (I’m American.) I would agree with removing it but I wasn’t confused or put off by it.

    You have versions of the product so that’s why it’s showing from, with woocomerce can you have versions of the product that don’t imply different pricing possibilities? I can’t see anything you might have done wrong. If you were to edit the PHP to remove that word, you would cause yourself problems when you had product versions where the prices were different. You would think the software would figure out all the prices were the same and be done with it.

    Boy, does woocommerce leave a lot to be desired, right? I’m loving it and awfully put off by it at the same time, it’s as if it’s inducing a bipolar technology carousel in my brain! (joking)


    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    I don’t see a coupon field – its either hidden by the theme, or you have coupons disabled in settings. I checked the source and its not there.

    Ab/FROM appears if variations have different prices. e.g. if you had S M for $5 L for $6, it would be misleading to label the product ‘$5’ so we say ‘From $5’ which is more accurate.

    For shop now, I think you just need to redo/edit your localisation. https://docs.woothemes.com/document/woocommerce-localization/

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