Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out! Are you looking to place the “Follow” buttons on a specific page on your website? Unfortunately at this time we don’t have “Follow” buttons you can place in a widget. However, you can enable the post-share “Follow-Me” buttons. The post-share “Follow-Me” overlay will appear once a reader has shared a post via your share buttons. Enabling this is pretty simple:
1.) Sign in to your Shareaholic account.
2.) Click the settings icon on the top right to access your account settings.
3.) Click on site tools.
4.) Click “settings” next to your site’s name, which will take you to the Edit General Settings Page.
5.) Select the “Sharing” tab, and click the checkbox next to “Show Post-Sharing Dialog”, then toggle the switch next to the Follow Buttons to the right.
6.) Then make sure to “Save Settings.”
Let me know if you need help with this, or if this option is not what you’re looking for. Either way, I’ll try to help you out the best way I can.
Mary Anne