• Resolved lifeskope


    Hi, Happy Thanksgiving :).

    I’m a new blogger who just finally started posting content over the last few days and am experiencing some glitches with the related content recommendations. I totally love the plugin otherwise :).

    a) It’s displaying the deleted post and image.
    and b) the related content recommendations list is showing up on one post but not on another.

    More info on issue a) … I changed the title on a post yesterday but found that the old title is still being displayed as a suggested post in the related content area at the bottom of the page but when clicked; it goes to a 404 page.

    I found this trouble shoot article here https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/you-may-also-like-this-still-showing-deleted-posts which seems to match my issue exactly.

    I tried clearing the browser cache to no avail.

    I don’t have a cache plugin to clear so it sounds like my next step would be to contact you guys here and ask you to clear it from your side via your cloud? if I understand it right?

    This is the title that no longer goes to anything but is still being displayed: “I have to stop fighting myself. Let go and just write! 11-27-2013 | Life Articles from LifeSkope.com …”

    If you could fix it I’d really appreciate it ?? but also :/ was wondering; will this happen every time I change a post title or slug link?

    Issue b) … while the recommended related content list is showing up glitchy on one post, it isn’t showing up on another post at all :/?

    Here’s where you can see an example of it working: Stop fighting, let go and write! (scroll down to bottom)

    And here’s the newer post where it’s not working: Unschooling Dream (scroll down to bottom)

    Thank you so much!

    ~ Vanessa ??


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  • Hi Vanessa,

    I just submitted a refresh request for your related content, your website should get processed over the weekend.

    For both cases, it is most likely because our recommendation engine isn’t aware, for deleted posts that the post no longer exists/image has changed, and for new pages, that the new page exists and that recommendations should show up on that page.

    Your website will get refreshed once a week automatically, including old post titles. We’ve fixed a bunch of bugs over the past few weeks, so it’ll be much smoother and faster, going forward.

    If there are posts that have been deleted that are still showing up, try to set your excluded pages list:

    Please let us know how it goes!


    Andy Huang
    Shareaholic Support



    hi! I have the same issue. Actually my page isn’t online just yet (I was planning on publishing it now). What can I do?

    Thank you,



    Hi @bjagevall,

    Have you tried excluding the pages? If not, here’s a helpful guide on how to exclude a post/page from appearing as a recommendation.

    Let me know if you need help or have any questions!

    Thank you,
    Mary Anne




    thanks for your reply. Yes and I have deleted the original post. I have also made a refresh of the Shareaholic recommended content (the server refresh) but it still shows….I dont know what to do. The sites name is www.redchaircontent.se.




    Hi @bjagevall,

    Thanks for the URL! Looking into it right now. ??

    Also, do you mind sending me the URLs you’re trying to exclude? I want to make sure we’re excluding them properly from my end.

    Mary Anne



    Hi Maryanne,

    thank you.

    The links that I would like to remove are:



    Thank you!




    hello am having a difficult time, i have erased pages and post and they still show in related content …

    plus i have contacted u guys for helping me verifying the site and still not reply

    thanks a lot
    my web is https://www.fromchinawithlove.tv



    Same here i have deleted posts that keep showing up on the related content, had to disable the feature. I am looking for something that really works, this shareaholic plugin is nothing but a headache at most..support sucks and nothing seems to work right..well half the time..but who needs half when you can have a whole in functionality. I have had 2 tickets on shareaholic helpdesk support.shareaholic.com for weeks now and nothing.



    Hi @xxxhoop and @marcarib,

    Sorry for the frustration! We’ve been a little backed up lately, but we’ll do our best to make sure you get what you need.

    Margie- your site is already verified. Also, please include the URLs you are trying to exclude on the support ticket. I want to make sure the URLs we have are matching with what you are trying to exclude.

    @xxxhoop- Which of your sites is this happening to: linepitch.com, musicjehad.com, goforreviews.com, pinshoppinginterest.com, pingamblinginterest.com, celebrityvipinterest.com? It looks like Cameron is already taking care of you via e-mail from your Twitter message. Please respond to him directly.

    Thanks for your patience!
    Mary Anne



    Linepitch.com – post images, page images do not load.

    Musicjehad.com – deleted posts load.

    Goforreviews.com – deleated posts load.

    Pinshoppinginterest.com – deleted posts load.

    Pingamblinginterest.com -this is a months long issue. Deleted posts load, images on post and pages do not load, and the green share button does not load the sites to share content.

    Celebrityvipentertainment.com – deleted post content loads.

    Please share this with Cameron. .this cannot be handled on twitter.

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