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  • I have the exact same problem!!! I’ve tried to downgrade to previous version but the problem still remains the same. I’ve also tried to downgrade to without any success!
    I’ve got 6 wide (instead of 3 or 4 square) thumbnails with random stories and what’s worse, it now includes ARCHIVES as well. I saw a lot of archives and even categories as “related content”.
    Now what in the world would an archive link ( do in the related content??????????
    It’s also impossible to attach a thumbnail image to an archive, and the related content now looks worse than ever!!!!

    Same here, The pic size is wrong and shows up smashed looking. Dont get me wrong I will take the 6 but I need to know where to go to change the options to make my photos look correct. I can not even find the edit or option buttons….the ones they used to have to pick from 3 or 4 photos.

    Also in the classic mode it drags in pics from search and category pages. It is just checked for post photo’s. The vertical mode shows up as square but too small.

    Hi guys,

    Please, update to our latest release if you haven’t yet done so to gain access to more styling options. We are currently working on our Related Content feature in both the code and styling, presently experimenting with a double-line of recommendations as it has been requested by multiple publishers in our community since the release of version 7.

    We haven’t yet made a decision about this feature and are still tweaking the overall app styles, but we did recently release a new theme called vertical: as stated, the recommendation thumbnails are smaller and the title is beside the thumbnail rather than below. If you’d like to give this a test-run, you can modify your theme style from the ‘Available Apps’ screen through the ‘Edit’ buttons under ‘Related Content’.

    Because this app is currently under development as we further improve the feature, we will be making changes: changes in the options, styling, and in how it functions to bring your readers the best recommendations for your site.

    The app placement options (Above Content & Below Content for your different templates) do not configure what content is shown, just where it is shown, but you can set an exclusion list under the General Website Settings panel to filter out specific pages from being recommended. This is a feature that was not available in our previous v6 release even though the same data was being processed. We hope this will help in tailoring Related Content for your site by allowing you control in hiding certain URLs from appearing.

    And for recommendations where a thumbnail is not defined, you can easily set this up by way of the og:image Open Graph Meta Tag. If this problem is not affecting your entries (pages and posts) where the Shareaholic plugin is automatically defining this tag for you, there are several Open Graph plugins that can assist you in customizing this data for the other pages of your site, which will then be detected by the Related Content feature.

    For those who prefer square thumbnails over the smaller graphic-window rectangular style, here’s some custom CSS that you can include in your stylesheet (styles.css) to further customize the thumbnail appearance by showing a full square:

    div.recommendation-article-image-container {
         max-height: 175px !important;

    Shareaholic version 7 offers many improvements and additional options over version 6 and boasts enhanced Related Content filtration. With each update we are rolling out even more improvements and have a ton planned as we continue to expand and refine the plugin.

    For concerns about image clarity, we are working to address this with a new image caching process. We appreciate your patience and support! Thanks!

    I understand that Sharaholic is making changes. I DO have the latest version of Sharaholic, but relating to the original question in this thread there is no place where I can change the setting for the number of thumbnails to display. The help info on the Sharaholic settings describes tabs and links that do not exist. the only options are to display thumbnails or not. Is this being worked on and when will it be resolved?

    Anonymous User 12851872



    same question, the same principle is to provide Related Posts choose the number of items on 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 but then no choice, 6 posts, a gap or black point?
    Thank You

    Hi Linda,

    Please, upgrade to version 7 where you are given more styling options:

    We are working to bring even more options into the new interface for having finer control over Related Content. We recently finished up work on our new Share Buttons and our focus is currently on the Related Content app. At the moment, we are doing work on the backend, switching all publishers over to a new data management system to improve the recommendations, and we have several tasks ahead of us to further enhance the feature. We ask for your patience and appreciate your support while we continue the upgrade process. We are a small team working on a lot of code with big things planned, updating all of our products and services this year, plus rolling out new features.

    At this time, if you would like to hide specific recommendations, you can apply custom styles in your theme’s stylesheet.

    .shareaholic-recommendation.recommendation-5 { display: none; }

    You can use the above block and add or remove recommendations to hide by simply adjusting the digit. However, this will affect the responsiveness of our app and is not encouraged.

    We do plan to release more options in the Related Content edit panel (v7+).

    I don’t get any images at all, just the placeholder. Yes I do have the meta tag in the head section to define which image should be used.

    Link to illustrate the issue.

    Hi Wanderer,

    I apologize for the delay. I was sifting through old threads today and only just saw your response. Here’s an article I wrote yesterday that should help with your image issue in case you are still having this problem:

    If you have any further questions, you can contact us directly through our support center by submitting a request, and we’ll be happy to assist! ??



    I know this is an old thread, but I’m experiencing the exact same issue now (in the last week or so) … and yes I have the most updated version of both wordpress and shareaholic.

    In my case there are times when 4 of the 6 “you may also like” posts are archives! And all with the same image which I never assigned.

    I would prefer not to have archives associated with related content at all; is there a way to restrict it just to related posts? thank you

    Hi, Is there a way to control where shareaholics plugin is displayed?
    I just installed WooCommerce plugin Sensei, and now my shareaholics plugin is displaying in the middle of my content region. It looks like the plugin gets inserted at the bottom of the content region, but it is still within that container.
    Could I put it in my own custom container below content?

    @xuamox – I sent a reply to your original post, so will continue to help you there ??

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