• Resolved jeffersonpowers


    Hi. I uninstalled Shield Security from my website several years ago. Now, with the new WP core update, I am seeing that there are hundreds of Shield options set to autoload in the wp_options table.

    Combing through the database one line at a time is proving to be far too time-consuming. I tried reinstalling Shield, setting it to delete components on deactivation, and then deactivating/deleting, but those options are all still there.

    What is the best/easiest way to clean those options from the table, bearing in mind that Shield was uninstalled some time ago?

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  • Plugin Author Paul



    Shield has never put in hundreds of autoload option in the plugin, ever. We’ve always grouped our plugin options in arrays stored them in the DB to reduce the number of entries in the DB. So if you’re seeing “hundreds”, then you’re attributing something to Shield that isn’t Shield.

    There could well be options leftover from years ago, particularly if you removed Shield without the “Delete on Deactivate” option enabled. In that case, look for options with icwp-wpsf- or icwp_wpsf_ in the name and that would indicate a Shield option.

    Also, installing Shield’s latest version today won’t necessary remove options from earlier versions of Shield as the structure of how Shield store options has changed quite a lot.

    I hope that helps.

    Thread Starter jeffersonpowers


    Hi, thanks for getting back to me. I apologize for overstating the number of Shield-related options, it actually appears to be around 28 that reference ?icwp-wpsf-?or?icwp_wpsf_?, and another 40 or so that reference shield_mod_config_, which according to this support topic is also to do with Shield.

    I’ve found one entry in the wp_options table called fernleafsystems\wordpress\plugin\shield\controller\controller which appears to be related to Shield, is that correct? Also, there are entries that refer to aptoweb_ and apto-dbs-ready-status — I’m not able to find any information on these, but what little I have found was in relation to Shield — are these wp_options entries to do with Shield as well?

    Thanks for your help on this.

    Plugin Author Paul


    Yep, these are from much older versions of Shield, so it’s safe to delete them. The aptoweb entries are probably ours, but I know there is another plugin out there that uses the apto prefix, so worth double-checking. And the entry apto-dbs-ready-status is also from Shield.

    Thread Starter jeffersonpowers


    Thanks. One last question, which I realize may be outside of your purview and if so then that’s fine. I’m using a plugin called Advanced Database Cleaner to delete all of these old wp_options entries, but for some reason it won’t delete or change the fernleafsystems\wordpress\plugin\shield\controller\controller entry. Can you think of any reason why that might be?

    I can delete it by going directly into phpMyAdmin, but I need to do this for around 20 websites so a plugin-based solution would be preferable.

    Thanks again for all your help with this.

    Plugin Author Paul


    I’m afraid I don’t know – you’ll need to chat with the plugin developer on why it’s not delete it.

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