Shipping costs
We use your app and love it!
We use to create the shipping label and there is a discrepancy in one product.
The product dimensions are 14″ x 7″ x 4″, 7.5 oz and estimates the shipping cost higher than (first class).
Is it the dimensions that cause the difference? All other items seem to be close to the shipping price.
It would be helpful to see more details to answer your question.
Also, what is the shipping cost you get from
App charges $4.15 and charges $4.98.
`array (
‘settings’ =>
array (
‘props’ =>
array (
‘endpoint’ => ‘’,
‘defaultUserId’ => ‘891000005749’,
‘domestic’ =>
array (
0 => ‘US’,
1 => ‘PR’,
2 => ‘VI’,
3 => ‘MH’,
4 => ‘FM’,
‘services’ =>
array (
array (
‘name’ => ‘Priority Mail Express’,
‘services’ =>
array (
3 => ‘Priority Mail Express’,
2 => ‘Priority Mail Express, Hold for Pickup’,
23 => ‘Priority Mail Express, Sunday/Holiday’,
array (
‘name’ => ‘Priority Mail’,
‘services’ =>
array (
1 => ‘Priority Mail’,
33 => ‘Priority Mail, Hold For Pickup’,
18 => ‘Priority Mail Keys and IDs’,
47 => ‘Priority Mail Regional Rate Box A’,
48 => ‘Priority Mail Regional Rate Box A, Hold For Pickup’,
49 => ‘Priority Mail Regional Rate Box B’,
50 => ‘Priority Mail Regional Rate Box B, Hold For Pickup’,
array (
‘name’ => ‘First-Class Mail’,
‘services’ =>
array (
‘0A’ => ‘First-Class Mail Postcards’,
‘0B’ => ‘First-Class Mail Letter’,
‘0C’ => ‘First-Class Mail Large Envelope’,
‘0D’ => ‘First-Class Mail Parcel’,
12 => ‘First-Class Postcard Stamped’,
15 => ‘First-Class Large Postcards’,
19 => ‘First-Class Keys and IDs’,
‘0E’ => ‘First-Class Package Service – Retail’,
61 => ‘First-Class Package Service’,
53 => ‘First-Class Package Service, Hold For Pickup’,
78 => ‘First-Class Mail Metered Letter’,
array (
‘name’ => ‘USPS Retail Ground’,
‘services’ =>
array (
4 => ‘USPS Retail Ground’,
array (
‘name’ => ‘Media Mail’,
‘services’ =>
array (
6 => ‘Media Mail’,
array (
‘name’ => ‘Library Mail’,
‘services’ =>
array (
7 => ‘Library Mail’,
‘subservicesEnabled’ =>
array (
3 => ‘no’,
2 => ‘no’,
23 => ‘no’,
1 => ‘yes’,
33 => ‘no’,
18 => ‘no’,
47 => ‘no’,
48 => ‘no’,
49 => ‘no’,
50 => ‘no’,
‘0A’ => ‘no’,
‘0B’ => ‘no’,
‘0C’ => ‘no’,
‘0D’ => ‘no’,
12 => ‘no’,
15 => ‘no’,
19 => ‘no’,
‘0E’ => ‘no’,
61 => ‘yes’,
53 => ‘no’,
78 => ‘no’,
4 => ‘yes’,
6 => ‘no’,
7 => ‘no’,
‘supports’ =>
array (
0 => ‘settings’,
‘id’ => ‘usps_simple’,
‘method_title’ => ‘USPS Simple’,
‘method_description’ => ‘The <strong>USPS Simple</strong> plugin calculates rates for domestic shipping dynamically using USPS API during checkout.’,
‘enabled’ => ‘yes’,
‘title’ => ‘USPS Simple’,
‘rates’ =>
array (
‘tax_status’ => ‘taxable’,
‘fee’ => NULL,
‘minimum_fee’ => NULL,
‘instance_id’ => 0,
‘instance_form_fields’ =>
array (
‘instance_settings’ =>
array (
‘availability’ => NULL,
‘countries’ =>
array (
‘plugin_id’ => ‘woocommerce_’,
‘errors’ =>
array (
‘data’ =>
array (
‘serviceDescription’ => ‘This controls the title which the customer sees during checkout.’,
‘sender’ => ‘91801’,
‘userId’ => ‘430SACRE1233’,
‘commercialRate’ => ‘yes’,
‘groupByWeight’ => ‘yes’,
‘t_express_mail’ => ‘Priority Mail Express (USPS Simple)’,
‘t_priority_mail’ => ‘USPS Priority Mail’,
‘t_first_class’ => ‘USPS First Class Mail’,
‘t_standard_post’ => ‘USPS Retail Ground’,
‘t_media_mail’ => ‘Media Mail (USPS Simple)’,
‘t_library_mail’ => ‘Library Mail (USPS Simple)’,
‘settings’ =>
array (
‘enabled’ => ‘yes’,
‘sender’ => ‘91801’,
‘user_id’ => ‘430SACRE1233’,
‘commercial_rate’ => ‘yes’,
‘group_by_weight’ => ‘yes’,
‘express_mail’ => ”,
‘t_express_mail’ => ”,
‘express_mail_3’ => ‘no’,
‘express_mail_2’ => ‘no’,
‘express_mail_23’ => ‘no’,
‘priority_mail’ => ”,
‘t_priority_mail’ => ‘USPS Priority Mail’,
‘priority_mail_1’ => ‘yes’,
‘priority_mail_33’ => ‘no’,
‘priority_mail_18’ => ‘no’,
‘priority_mail_47’ => ‘no’,
‘priority_mail_48’ => ‘no’,
‘priority_mail_49’ => ‘no’,
‘priority_mail_50’ => ‘no’,
‘first_class’ => ”,
‘t_first_class’ => ‘USPS First Class Mail’,
‘first_class_0A’ => ‘no’,
‘first_class_0B’ => ‘no’,
‘first_class_0C’ => ‘no’,
‘first_class_0D’ => ‘no’,
‘first_class_12’ => ‘no’,
‘first_class_15’ => ‘no’,
‘first_class_19’ => ‘no’,
‘first_class_61’ => ‘yes’,
‘first_class_53’ => ‘no’,
‘first_class_78’ => ‘no’,
‘standard_post’ => ”,
‘t_standard_post’ => ‘USPS Retail Ground’,
‘standard_post_4’ => ‘yes’,
‘media_mail’ => ”,
‘t_media_mail’ => ”,
‘media_mail_6’ => ‘no’,
‘library_mail’ => ”,
‘t_library_mail’ => ”,
‘library_mail_7’ => ‘no’,
‘package’ =>
array (
‘contents’ =>
array (
‘2ecaf98fb8834fa8822cfc2d39997179’ =>
array (
‘key’ => ‘2ecaf98fb8834fa8822cfc2d39997179’,
‘product_id’ => 225650,
‘variation_id’ => 0,
‘variation’ =>
array (
‘quantity’ => 1,
‘data_hash’ => ‘b5c1d5ca8bae6d4896cf1807cdf763f0’,
‘line_tax_data’ =>
array (
‘subtotal’ =>
array (
‘total’ =>
array (
‘line_subtotal’ => 45.0,
‘line_subtotal_tax’ => 0,
‘line_total’ => 45.0,
‘line_tax’ => 0,
‘product’ =>
array (
‘name’ => ‘Carmelite Soft Doll- Sister Hugalina’,
‘slug’ => ‘sister-hugalina’,
‘price’ => ‘45.00’,
‘regular_price’ => ‘45.00’,
‘sale_price’ => ”,
‘weight’ => ‘7.5 oz’,
‘weight_lbs’ => 0.4687490601749999,
‘dimensions’ => ’14 x 7 x 4 in’,
‘dimensions_in’ => ’14 x 7 x 4′,
‘contents_cost’ => 45.0,
‘applied_coupons’ =>
array (
‘user’ =>
array (
‘ID’ => 6,
‘destination’ =>
array (
‘country’ => ‘US’,
‘state’ => ‘TN’,
‘postcode’ => ‘37920’,
‘city’ => ‘Knoxville’,
‘address’ => ”,
‘address_1’ => ”,
‘address_2’ => ”,
‘cart_subtotal’ => ’45’,
‘rates’ =>
array (
‘requests’ =>
array (
‘ONLINE’ => ‘API=RateV4&XML=
<RateV4Request USERID=”430SACRE1233″>
<Package ID=”2ecaf98fb8834fa8822cfc2d39997179:1:14:7:4:0.468749060175″>
<RateV4Request USERID=”430SACRE1233″>
<Package ID=”2ecaf98fb8834fa8822cfc2d39997179:1:14:7:4:0.468749060175″>
<Service>STANDARD POST</Service>
‘responses’ =>
array (
array (
‘headers’ =>
‘data’ =>
array (
‘content-encoding’ => ‘gzip’,
‘access-control-allow-origin’ => ‘*’,
‘cache-control’ => ‘private’,
‘content-type’ => ‘text/xml’,
‘date’ => ‘Wed, 16 Mar 2022 16:02:59 GMT’,
‘ntcoent-length’ => ‘2383’,
‘server’ => ‘Microsoft-IIS/10.0’,
‘strict-transport-security’ => ‘max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains’,
‘x-aspnet-version’ => ‘4.0.30319’,
‘x-backside-transport’ => ‘OK OK’,
‘x-frame-options’ => ‘SAMEORIGIN’,
‘x-global-transaction-id’ => ’47c16df762320a4b68bb3edd’,
‘x-powered-by’ => ‘ASP.NET’,
‘x-ruleset-version’ => ‘1.0’,
‘content-length’ => ‘598’,
‘body’ => ‘<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<Package ID=”2ecaf98fb8834fa8822cfc2d39997179:1:14:7:4:0.468749060175″>
<Postage CLASSID=”3″>
<MailService>Priority Mail Express 1-Day<sup>™</sup></MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”2″>
<MailService>Priority Mail Express 1-Day<sup>™</sup> Hold For Pickup</MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”1″>
<MailService>Priority Mail 2-Day<sup>™</sup></MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”33″>
<MailService>Priority Mail 2-Day<sup>™</sup> Hold For Pickup</MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”0″>
<MailService>First-Class Package Service – Retail<sup>™</sup></MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”0″>
<MailService>First-Class Mail<sup>®</sup> Large Envelope</MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”61″>
<MailService>First-Class<sup>™</sup> Package Service</MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”53″>
<MailService>First-Class<sup>™</sup> Package Service Hold For Pickup</MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”77″>
<MailService>Parcel Select Ground<sup>™</sup></MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”6″>
<MailService>Media Mail Parcel</MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”7″>
<MailService>Library Mail Parcel</MailService>
‘response’ =>
array (
‘code’ => 200,
‘message’ => ‘OK’,
‘cookies’ =>
array (
‘filename’ => NULL,
array (
‘headers’ =>
‘data’ =>
array (
‘content-encoding’ => ‘gzip’,
‘access-control-allow-origin’ => ‘*’,
‘cache-control’ => ‘private’,
‘content-type’ => ‘text/xml’,
‘date’ => ‘Wed, 16 Mar 2022 16:02:59 GMT’,
‘ntcoent-length’ => ‘3097’,
‘server’ => ‘Microsoft-IIS/10.0’,
‘strict-transport-security’ => ‘max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains’,
‘x-aspnet-version’ => ‘4.0.30319’,
‘x-backside-transport’ => ‘OK OK’,
‘x-frame-options’ => ‘SAMEORIGIN’,
‘x-global-transaction-id’ => ‘8ac205fb62320a4ba9a598a1’,
‘x-powered-by’ => ‘ASP.NET’,
‘x-ruleset-version’ => ‘1.0’,
‘content-length’ => ‘681’,
‘body’ => ‘<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<Package ID=”2ecaf98fb8834fa8822cfc2d39997179:1:14:7:4:0.468749060175″>
<Postage CLASSID=”4″>
<MailService>USPS Retail Ground<sup>®</sup></MailService>
<ServiceName>Certificate of Mailing (Form 3817)</ServiceName>
<ServiceName>Collect on Delivery</ServiceName>
<ServiceName>Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery</ServiceName>
<ServiceName>Insurance Restricted Delivery</ServiceName>
<ServiceName>Signature Confirmation<sup>™</sup></ServiceName>
<ServiceName>Signature Confirmation<sup>™</sup> Restricted Delivery</ServiceName>
<ServiceName>Signature Confirmation<sup>™</sup> Electronic</ServiceName>
<ServiceName>Signature Confirmation<sup>™</sup> Electronic Restricted Delivery</ServiceName>
<ServiceName>Special Handling – Fragile</ServiceName>
<ServiceName>USPS Tracking<sup>®</sup></ServiceName>
<ServiceName>USPS Tracking<sup>®</sup> Electronic</ServiceName>
‘response’ =>
array (
‘code’ => 200,
‘message’ => ‘OK’,
‘cookies’ =>
array (
‘filename’ => NULL,
‘unitedResponse’ => ‘<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<Package ID=”2ecaf98fb8834fa8822cfc2d39997179:1:14:7:4:0.468749060175″>
<Postage CLASSID=”3″>
<MailService>Priority Mail Express 1-Day<sup>™</sup></MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”2″>
<MailService>Priority Mail Express 1-Day<sup>™</sup> Hold For Pickup</MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”1″>
<MailService>Priority Mail 2-Day<sup>™</sup></MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”33″>
<MailService>Priority Mail 2-Day<sup>™</sup> Hold For Pickup</MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”0″>
<MailService>First-Class Package Service – Retail<sup>™</sup></MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”0″>
<MailService>First-Class Mail<sup>®</sup> Large Envelope</MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”61″>
<MailService>First-Class<sup>™</sup> Package Service</MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”53″>
<MailService>First-Class<sup>™</sup> Package Service Hold For Pickup</MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”77″>
<MailService>Parcel Select Ground<sup>™</sup></MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”6″>
<MailService>Media Mail Parcel</MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”7″>
<MailService>Library Mail Parcel</MailService>
<Postage CLASSID=”4″>
<MailService>USPS Retail Ground<sup>?</sup></MailService>
‘shownRates’ =>
array (
‘usps_simple:PRIORITY_MAIL’ =>
array (
‘id’ => ‘usps_simple:PRIORITY_MAIL’,
‘label’ => ‘USPS Priority Mail’,
‘cost’ => 9.6799999999999997,
‘sort’ => 999,
‘packages’ => 1,
‘usps_simple:FIRST_CLASS’ =>
array (
‘id’ => ‘usps_simple:FIRST_CLASS’,
‘label’ => ‘USPS First Class Mail’,
‘cost’ => 4.1500000000000004,
‘sort’ => 999,
‘packages’ => 1,
‘usps_simple:STANDARD_POST’ =>
array (
‘id’ => ‘usps_simple:STANDARD_POST’,
‘label’ => ‘USPS Retail Ground’,
‘cost’ => 10.25,
‘sort’ => 999,
‘packages’ => 1,
‘eliminatedRates’ =>
array (
)`Thanks. Could you check if the price changes with Commercial Rates disabled?
No, it doesn’t change the shipping cost.
4.15 is the price of the “First-Class Package Service” that is a Commercial service actually. You can disable it in the plugin settings the to get the retail price.
The retail price is 5.50: the question is how the plugin ends with 4.98. Unfortunately, I have no idea. I believe it would be better to address it its support.
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
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