Shipping displayed in checkout page : with or without Tax
Hi guys,
I updated to WooCommerce 9.4.1 today and found out that shipping is displayed without taxes on checkout page (maybe this has always been like that ?). Is there an option somewhere to display it including taxes on checkout page ?
Here are my Woocommerce settings :
- Woocommerce > settings : Enable tax rates and calculations = ticked
- Woocommerce > tax > tax options : Display prices in the shop = including tax
- Woocommerce > tax > tax options : Display prices during cart and checkout = including tax
- Woocommerce > tax > tax options : Calculate tax based on : shop base address (I only ship in one country)
- Woocommerce > tax > standard rates : shipping is ticked for the standard rate (20%).
- Woocommerce > shipping > shipping zones (france) > shipping methods > Set up flat rate : Chronopost and Tax status is taxable and cost is set to 8,25€.
Here is a screenshot of the checkout summary with cartflows activated :
- screenshot :
- As you can see, the cost is displayed without tax (8,25€) even if the final amount is correct (144,90€) and the global VAT is correct too.
And here is a screenshot of the checkout summary without cartflows (default template theme) :
- screenshot
- As you can see, the cost is displayed with tax (9,90€) and the final amount is correct too.
Is this the normal behaviour of your plugin and is there an option somewhere to display it including tax on checkout page ? Or should I check on Woocommerce forum ?
Thanks !
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