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  • cteevee, are you referring to your post 2 weeks ago regarding editing line 36 and change

    === to !==

    If so my install shows line 36 as:

    <?php if( wcdn_has_shipping_address( $order ) ) : ?>

    or are you referring to something different when you say “Read my earlier post on the subject.”

    @maximan, yes you’re correct. I had a look and that code ‘===’ is now gone since I first mentioned it by a later update. I noticed the update but didn’t check to see if that code was there. Sorry.

    May I suggest deleting the plugin WC&DN and reinstalling again and see if that helps.

    cteevee, I did as you suggested. I deactivated and deleted WC&DN plugin and then reinstalled. I followed piffpaffpuff instructions above regarding selecting/deselecting/saving billing address. No change. This was tested on a developmental site. Actual production site is still running obsolete WC and DN to print delivery note that shows the From address at top left and the To address below and indented in larger font. When folded this fits inside a 3m adhesive transparent envelop/container, similar to what UPS uses, and effectively becomes a mailing label that allows me to mail USPS. That’s what I want to accomplish with the current releases.

    @maximan, I found the plugin WP Super Cache was preventing changes to my site and have deactivated it while I work on my changes. Try that if you have it installed. Alternatively, you could just click the ‘Delete Cache’ link at the top in admin to clear the cache (if installed).

    I worked on the form yesterday and just about have it finished. Just need to remove a large section of white space above the form title and it should be ready.

    No, I’m not running WP Super Cache any more. Instead I’m like Wordfence cache and I did clear cache but no change. It could be the Suffusion Theme although I think this is not the cause – probably my naivety and lack of skill in this area! But I sure would like to fix it.

    ok. Try deactivating as many plugins as you can is another suggestion then reactivate one by one if you get it working. I’m using Sommerce theme if that helps.

    One more idea. Clear your computer history.

    @maximan i’m sorry that it didn’t resolve the problem. maybe you forgot to delete your copy of the template in your themes/woocommerce folder?

    @cteevee yes this code part has changed because woocommerce made some modifications in WC 2.2. actually the issue should be solved with the latest WC, WP and plugin.

    to your modifications/features:

    1. & 2. you can do that with a hook, check the template and use the addresses hook.
    3. there is an example here:
    4. will be included in the next update
    5. create your own translation pot file.
    6. – 8. this can all be done with css. please check the faq for that. and then you probably have to learn some css because i currently do not have time to write it for you. but maybe another forum user likes to join in.



    We are having the same issue..
    if the billing address is different from the shipping address, only the billing address appears on the print invoice and print delivery note.. the right area of the page heading is blank.
    if the addresses are the same, they both appear .. billing on the left, shipping on the right.
    – shipping address is selected as default in the woo commerce shipping settings
    – i tried deactivating the plugin
    – I don’t have any caching plugins installed, and have tried new computers which have never been to our site before.. the issue persists.

    I don’t know what code is making it not appear if it is different..
    please advise.

    <div class="order-addresses<?php if( !wcdn_has_shipping_address( $order ) ) : ?> no-shipping-address<?php endif; ?>">
    					<div class="billing-address">
    						<h3><?php _e( 'Billing Address', 'woocommerce-delivery-notes' ); ?></h3>
    							<?php if( !$order->get_formatted_billing_address() ) _e( 'N/A', 'woocommerce-delivery-notes' ); else echo apply_filters( 'wcdn_address_billing', $order->get_formatted_billing_address(), $order ); ?>
    					<div class="shipping-address">
    						<h3><?php _e( 'Shipping Address', 'woocommerce-delivery-notes' ); ?></h3>
    							<?php if( !$order->get_formatted_shipping_address() ) _e( 'N/A', 'woocommerce-delivery-notes' ); else echo apply_filters( 'wcdn_address_shipping', $order->get_formatted_shipping_address(), $order ); ?>


    still looking for assistance with both addresses not appearing on the invoice if they are different (shipping vs billing)
    any thoughts greatly appreciated.


    I am also having this problem.

    @wendy which plugin version and woocommerce version do you use? some things you can try:

    1. do you have a print-content.php or style.css file in your ‘yourtheme/woocommerce/print-order’?
    if yes, just remove the whole ‘print-order’ folder and try again.

    2. if this doesn’t help add the following code to your functions.php:

    function test_reset_css_shipping() {
    			.order-addresses .shipping-address, .shipping-address {
    				display: block;
    add_action( 'wcdn_head', 'test_reset_css_shipping', 20 );

    please report back if something of this works for you

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