My problem is a little different yet huge. I see the shipping options and zones and all that in the back-end, but on my front-end no shipping methods are showing. it says shipping will be calculated once an address is entered but even if i do enter an address it gives me an error saying i must enter an address. Plus, one of the shipping methods in my zone is local pick-up, another is post to nearest post office, so no shipping needs to be calculated, only for the door to door stuff. But the customer doesn’t get the options any more. It used to work fine.
Another issue is that, although set to ship every where in the world, the shipping address form doesn’t give me the option to choose a country, no matter what I put my settings on (ship to shop base, geolocate, no predefined address, what ever), nothing gives the customer to choose a place outside of the country my shop is based in.
Tried Woocommerce support and go figure, they are on some business retreat meeting thin until 22 Sept, but i need assistance now, my client’s shop can’t run and function at all right now.
Please can someone help. PLEASE!!