• Resolved joycegrace


    Our shipping rates are:
    Flat rate in BC (Canada): $15
    Local pickup: $0
    Free Shipping over $200 (in BC)
    Flat rate outside BC (Canada): $20

    However, when we enter “shipping” as the value for shipping as the field, we get several lines, and we also get the wrong rates. Can you tell us why the feed is producing it this way, and how it can be fixed?

    We have set the country to “Canada” when setting up the feed (I double checked this). We also set the currency to CAD in our Google Merchant Center and FB Product Feed area.

    See screenshot: https://cloudup.com/ckAZtA7mAXf

    This is what the feed produces:


    BC Free shipping over $200 (5 - 9 business days) CA
    <g:price>CAD 0</g:price>
    BC Local pickup $0 (ready on weekdays within 24 hours when we're open) CA
    <g:price>CAD 0</g:price>
    <g:service>BC Flat rate (5 - 9 business days) CA</g:service>
    <g:price>CAD 16.85</g:price>
    <g:service>Outside BC Flat rate CA</g:service>
    <g:price>CAD 22.47</g:price>
    <g:service>Outside BC Flat rate CA</g:service>
    <g:price>CAD 22.47</g:price>
    <g:service>Outside BC Flat rate CA</g:service>
    <g:price>CAD 22.47</g:price>
    <g:service>Outside BC Flat rate CA</g:service>
    <g:price>CAD 22.47</g:price>
    <g:service>Outside BC Flat rate CA</g:service>
    <g:price>CAD 22.47</g:price>
    <g:service>Outside BC Flat rate CA</g:service>
    <g:price>CAD 22.47</g:price>
    <g:service>Outside BC Flat rate CA</g:service>
    <g:price>CAD 22.47</g:price>
    <g:service>Outside BC Flat rate CA</g:service>
    <g:price>CAD 22.47</g:price>
    <g:service>Outside BC Flat rate CA</g:service>
    <g:price>CAD 22.47</g:price>
    <g:service>Outside BC Flat rate CA</g:service>
    <g:price>CAD 22.47</g:price>
    <g:service>Outside BC Flat rate CA</g:service>
    <g:price>CAD 22.47</g:price>
    <g:service>Outside BC Flat rate CA</g:service>
    <g:price>CAD 22.47</g:price>
Viewing 14 replies - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • Hi Joyce,

    Can you share screenshots of all your shipping zone and method settings and let us know what exactly is wrong with it?

    Thread Starter joycegrace


    I think it’s adding tax… that may be the reason. So it’s showing the tax rates within the shipping price. Is this how your plugin is designed to work? Is that what Google wants it to be? Just checking.

    However, it still produces many lines, but these lines don’t make sense. There are 12 lines that show our “outside BC” rate. But no lines show the BC rate or the free shipping rate. See here https://cloudup.com/c1_96GIHT_r (From Google Merchant Center under “Raw Feed Attributes”)

    Here are our screenshots of our shipping set up:

    BC rates https://cloudup.com/ctqyGpIW-k6

    BC Flat rate set up for flat rate https://cloudup.com/cZwdIW8yr9u (I think this is applying a 12% tax)

    BC Free shipping settings https://cloudup.com/c45_ce1tjcV

    Outside BC flat rate https://cloudup.com/coVkuwwK5YV

    Outside BC flat rate settings https://cloudup.com/cijGTzFsxBG (also think a 12% tax is being applied here… per our tax settings)

    Can you help us get these shipping rates corrected in the feeds?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by joycegrace.
    Thread Starter joycegrace


    Hi is someone going to get back to us?

    Hi Joyce,

    Could you try enabling this feature in the plugin settings section:

    The reason you have 12 BC lines of shipping costs in your feed is because of the 12 regions.

    Thread Starter joycegrace


    I enabled this, and refreshed the feeds. Then I went to Google Merchant Centre and clicked to ‘Reprocess” the feed. I checked on each product and the ‘new’ (correct) shipping rates only show up on some products but not all. Is there a reason for this? Some products show the incorrect rates still.

    Thread Starter joycegrace


    Any news?

    Hi Joyce,

    Apologies for the late reply, somehow this topic was no longer on the radar of our support-team.

    It is rather hard to determine from some screenshots why some of your products are showing correct shipping rates and some not.

    Is there some commonality between the products that have no or the wrong shipping costs? Are they all missing the same rate, do they use the same class….anything basically which will help us reproduce the issue?

    Thread Starter joycegrace


    Hi, ok I tried to look into this more carefully. Here is what I think is happening (not sure):

    Some background:

    We have free shipping over $200 in the province of B.C. In WooCommerce, this applies to the cart total, not to a single product.

    We have other shipping rates too, all based on the cart total, and the location the user inputs.

    The correct rates, which show on some products are:

    CA BC Free shipping over $200 (5 – 9 business days) CA CAD 0
    CA BC Local pickup $0 CA CAD 0
    CA BC Flat rate (5 – 9 business days) CA CAD 16.85

    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47

    In the product feed, if a SINGLE item is over $200, the feed shows the correct rates, with the following included:

    CA BC Free shipping over $200 (5 – 9 business days) CA CAD 0
    CA BC Local pickup $0 CA CAD 0
    CA BC Flat rate (5 – 9 business days) CA CAD 16.85

    If a SINGLE item is UNDER $200, they are shown these rates:

    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47
    CA Outside BC Flat rate CA CAD 22.47

    —> The above is absolutely incorrect for the following reasons:

    #1 – it assumes the user is NOT from BC, which is not right.
    #2 – at least two other options COULD apply to this scenario, but they are not shown as options here. In other words, even if the purchase is UNDER $200, the user should STILL see the following rates, in addition to the above rates:

    CA BC Local pickup $0 CA CAD 0
    CA BC Flat rate (5 – 9 business days) CA CAD 16.85

    But even so, the free shipping option should still show up for ALL products, because it is an available option, if the cart total is over $200, in B.C.

    Here is the feed https://www.bclaserandskincare.com/wp-content/uploads/woo-product-feed-pro/xml/O6wL76v2iCzA9xkbUIzMigU4KKLWqPkY.xml


    Thanks for the more detailed analysis.

    With regards to the free shipping option. It is not allowed to add free shipping options to Google and Facebook when it is looking at the cart total. You can only add the shipping costs that apply for single individual products. Cart total rules are therefor ignored by our plugin too.


    Thread Starter joycegrace


    Ok, but nonetheless, it should show the BC flat rate, and local pickup, which is not what it is for other provinces. This is aside from free shipping.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by joycegrace.
    Thread Starter joycegrace


    Hello can someone get back to me about this?

    Hi Joyce,

    Did you make sure your general shipping settings are like this?

    Thread Starter joycegrace


    Yes, I did, because you told me to do this earlier. I told you I did this 2 months ago, in this thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/shipping-rates-come-out-wrong/#post-12831002

    Thread Starter joycegrace



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