• Hi Everyone,
    I am new here. I don’t currently have a wordpress site, but am looking at setting one up and need some advice before I dive in.

    I am wanting my site to both a blog and an eCommerce Store. I have played around with quite a few blog and eCommerce platforms and find most are one or the other, not both.

    Can anyone provide me with any info on using wordpress for an ecommerce store and a blog? Can I upload products via cvs files? Is the shopping cart plugin user friendly to use?

    From the little look around I’ve had, it seems that the shopping cart plugin is something I purchase from a company other than wordpress. Is that right? Is there more than one of these plugins? Is there one that is better than others?

    Looking forward to your experienced advice to stop me going round in cirlces!


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  • Hi Infantfreedom, welcome.

    To use WordPress as a store or blog: This normally depends on ecommerce plugin flexibility and how is your theme and how is configured.

    Try TheCartPress ecommerce plugin
    With this you can suit your needs and you decide if it is a store or a blog cutomizing your theme exactly in the same way WordPress works. If your theme is 100% store kind your website will see like a store. Therefore with TheCartPress you can interact closely with your blog and your store. Linking products with weblog posts in many different ways. So you can use your blog as a tool of trade promotion.

    yes you can use csv to load products.

    Friendly to use?
    It has a good balance between functionality and powerful utility. Ecommerce plugins for WordPress’ very easy to use typically have many limitations in functionality

    The WordPress e-commerce plugins are not developed by WordPress Team.
    It′s open source, free.

    Hope this help you.

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