• Resolved madebygift



    Forgive me if this is the wrong forum, but I couldn’t find a specific forum for the new WordPress theme (on wordpress.com only at the moment).

    I’ve installed the theme on WordPress multisite, but it throws this error when I enable the theme:

    mywebsite.com/html/wp-content/themes/shoreditch-wpcom/inc/jetpack.php on line 129

    Any idea on what might me causing this? I have Jetpack installed on WPMU and no issues with the default 2016 theme.


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  • When attempting to either activate or preview the new Shoreditch theme (technically shoreditch-wpcom) on a self-hosted install I also get the following error:

    Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in /home/wp-content/themes/shoreditch-wpcom/inc/jetpack.php on line 129

    This happens regardless of whether Jetpack is activated or not.

    Activating the theme required digging into mySQL settings and rolling back the theme manually to recover the site.

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Hi there – sorry about this. We’re looking into the problem and will keep you posted here.

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Are you both running a version of PHP older than 5.5, by any chance? We were able to replicate this error on a server running PHP 5.4.4.

    You could try changing line 129 of /inc/jetpack.php from this:

    if ( is_home() && ! is_paged() && ! empty( shoreditch_get_featured_posts() ) ) {

    to this:

    if ( is_home() && ! is_paged() && false !== shoreditch_get_featured_posts() ) {

    This should hopefully take care of the error — which comes from a change in the behaviour of the empty function (reference) and allow you to preview or activate Shoreditch normally.

    We will also regenerate a new version of the theme that you’ll soon be able to update from your Themes dashboard or download on WordPress.com.

    Thanks for bringing the error to our attention and apologies for the inconvenience.

    Forgive me if this is the wrong forum, but I couldn’t find a specific forum for the new WordPress theme (on wordpress.com only at the moment).

    No worries, this was the right place! We’ve submitted Shoreditch to the www.ads-software.com directory, but it’s still in the review queue. Once it’s accepted it’ll have its own support forum. In the meantime, if you need further help with the self-hosted version of Shoreditch, you can post in the www.ads-software.com general themes forum:


    Tag your post with wpcom-theme in the tags area — as someone did on this thread — to be sure it will get attention:

    WordPress Support Themes and Templates

    Thread Starter madebygift


    Hi Kathryn,

    Great spot! I’ve updated my version of PHP from 5.3.29 to 5.5.31 and the issue has gone away.

    I’ve gone for that method as opposed to the code change, but thank you for investigating.

    Kindest regards,


    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Glad you were able to update your version of PHP to solve the issue that way. Thanks for letting me know!

    Thanks as always Kathryn.

    I ran a couple of trials. I’ll confirm that running php 5.4 and the included code snippet does solve the problem. Alternately running the original code at php 5.5 or above solves the problem separately.

    Can’t wait to test out Shoreditch!!

    (Not sure how my install was configured with 5.4 as everything else I have on my server is running 5.6 by default. I almost feel like the idiot who forgot to plug in the machine before saying that it wouldn’t turn on. Thanks again!)

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    chrisaldrich – thanks for those confirmations and hope you enjoy Shoreditch!

    (Not sure how my install was configured with 5.4 as everything else I have on my server is running 5.6 by default. I almost feel like the idiot who forgot to plug in the machine before saying that it wouldn’t turn on. Thanks again!)

    Ha – it happens! Glad you’re all set now.

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