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  • Thread Starter andrearuffini


    I resolved the problem by putting this line of code into my themes functions.php file.

    add_filter( 'wp_default_editor', create_function('', 'return "html";') );

    It seems that it would accept changes when default mode is Text (instead of visual).
    Now I can’t switch between those two modes, but it works.

    Plugin Contributor Thorsten Frommen


    Hi Andrea,

    sorry for my asking so bluntly, but why did you post this here?
    Are you saying that you can use the short description if you have IM8 qTranslate WooCommerce deactivated, but you can not anymore when the plugin is running? If so, I can’t confirm that.
    I have the same setup:

    • WordPress 3.8.1
    • qTranslate 2.5.39
    • WooCommerce 2.1.5
    • IM8 qTransalte WooCommerce 1.4.3

    I see short descriptions on the front-end, I can edit them and they are saved/updated correctly.

    You are right, though, and the editor for the short description is not working properly. But that has nothing to do with this plugin. If you deactivate it, WooCommerce still behaves the same, doesn’t it?

    Kind regards,

    I am having the same issue with the short description field and this plugin IM8 qTranslate WooCommerce.

    And you are right mister author, it doesn’t change anything when we disable the plugin IM8 qTranslate WooCommerce.

    It does however change to correct functioning when the qtranslate plugin itself is disabled!

    So because the plugin IM8 qTranslate WooCommerce is suppose to make qtranslate compatible with Woocommerce, this is an issue you should be solving also, mister author.

    So that’s why its posted in your threat.

    the issue is with mqtranslate, I have the same issue.

    any solutions ??
    Same issue:

    WordPress 3.9.1
    IM8 qTranslate WooCommerce 1.8.11
    qTranslate 2.5.40b
    Woocommerce 2.1.9

    Also cannot use this([:en])on variations

    Hi, does anyone manage to solve the issue???.. I am having the same problem with short description not able to be saved. It just dissapeared as soon I click ‘update’ in Product form. I have qtranslate and latest IM8 qtranslate woocommerce. Seriously what should I do???…


    I made the same question in qtranslate, mqtranslate and seems like nobody got an answer to us…
    Maybe just a temporary fix …
    I have search everywere without any luck ??

    Thanks in advance …

    The solution: add_filter( ‘wp_default_editor’, create_function(”, ‘return “html”;’) ); did not work for me ??

    I tried al sorts of things, but the qtranslate plugin is causing the problem that makes it unable to save the short description.

    For the people that only need one description, you can use the general text area! For me it was adding <?php the_content(); ?> to the content-single-product.php!

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