Shortcode block translation
I am using WooCommerce on a German website selling tickets for flea markets, so every “product” is actually a “date” when this flea market happens. The markets are in several different cities and I have a product category for each of these cities.
Now I have overview pages for each of these cities to explain the location etc. On the bottom of these pages, I am using the shortcode [products category=”xxx”] to display all the dates where a flea market will happen in this city.
Now, if there is currently no date scheduled, the shortcode will display the general notice “No products were found matching your selection.” – translated to German: “Es wurden keine Produkte gefunden, die deiner Auswahl entsprechen.”
I want to change this to “No DATES were found..” (“Es wurden keine TERMINE gefunden…”)
I am using LocoTranslate for these things. I have trouble finding the right place where this translation is stored. There are two strings in the WooCommerce Plugin which have this sentence. I changed them both – but the output on the website is still “no products” instead of “no dates”.
Is there a different location for the translation of the shortcode content?
Please advise, thanks!
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