Shortcode Conflict with Stefan Boonstra’s Slideshow Plugin
After updating plugins and wordpress, Stefan Boonstra’s Slideshow plugin stopped working. All that it shows on the page are the shortcodes. When I deactivate the NextGen plugin, the slideshow plugin works fine. But when I reactivate NextGen, the Slideshow breaks again.
@tclonglpc – Although a similar report was made by another poster in the past I was not able to reproduce the issue then; and, I am still not seeing any issues with using the Slideshow plugin … have you checked to see if there are any other possible conflicts from another active plugin or your current theme?
– Cais.
Thank you for the response. I tried to search the forum for previous posts, but couldn’t find one. But I’ll search some more.
I went through and deactivated each plugin one by one to see if the Slideshows would start working and I left the NextGen and Slideshow plugin for last. The Slideshows would not start working until I had deactivated all the other plugins and then deactived NextGen.
So then I started activating all the other plugins one by one to see if the Slideshows stayed on after each plugin was activated. But I activated the NextGen plugin last. The slideshows continued to work after each plugin was activated until I activated the NextGen plugin.
If you have any other ideas, or if I’m not checking for conflicts correctly, let me know.
Thanks again!
TCFollow up:
I didn’t clear the cache, so I redid the steps above, and cleared the browser cache before reactivating each plugin and had the same results.
Then I switched to one of the wordpress themes (this site uses the Eleven 40 theme), deactivated all the plugins, cleared the browser cache again, and the reactivated each plugin one by one with the same results.
So I’m stumped.
@tclonglpc – Unfortunately, without being able to reproduce the problem, I do not have much more to offer as the two plugins work fine together on my test sites.
Are you using the other shortcode inserted into the page/post content; or, are you using it as part of a template file?
– Cais.
I have the Slideshow shortcode inserted into the page content.
I managed to get it working by editing the Slidehow plugin files using Plugins > Editor.
I first edited the slideshow.php file and changed these lines:
// Deploy slideshow on do_action('slideshow_deploy'); hook. add_action('slideshow_deploy', array('SlideshowPlugin', 'deploy'));
to this:
// Deploy slideshow on do_action('sbslideshow_deploy'); hook. add_action('sbslideshow_deploy', array('SlideshowPlugin', 'deploy'));
Then I opened up the SlideshowPluginShortcode.php file, and updated these lines:
/** @var string $shortCode */ public static $shortCode = 'slideshow_deploy'; /** @var string $bookmark */ public static $bookmark = '!slideshow_deploy!';
to this:
/** @var string $shortCode */ public static $shortCode = 'sbslideshow_deploy'; /** @var string $bookmark */ public static $bookmark = '!sbslideshow_deploy!';
Then I changed the shortcodes in my page to:
[sbslideshow_deploy id='####']
And everything started working just fine. I guess on our site the string ‘[slideshow’ was triggering NextGEN instead of Slideshow. But since the Slideshow shortcode wasn’t a proper NextGEN code, it didn’t do anything. The only way to get it to fail NextGEN’s shortcode script was to modify it to ‘[sbslideshow’ Hopefully this will help resolve this same conflict for others.
TCHi @tclonglpc and @photocrati
Running WP 4.7.2 over here and I had a similar problem as @tclonglpc with the plugin not playing well with NextGEN Gallery 2.1.77. I also observed that disabling NextGEN fixed the slideshow with no other action required and re-enabling it reintroduces the problem. So this is not a single site issue. The issue first came up in October 2016 for me. Used another plugin before finding this post.
I also tested duplicating an existing gallery back then but it did not fix the problem.
Hope this helps
Happy user-
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
thanks tclongplc!!!!!!
i had the same issue and you saved me! ??
@tclonglpc – Thanks for sharing your work-around although unfortunately I am still not seeing how the original shortcode handle was being tripped up unless it was being parsed as
only versus the defaultshortcode_deploy
handle.Thanks, again!!
– Cais.
Fantastic! I have multiple sites with this issue and I was feeling like I was imaginingthings (or the plug-in authours just didnt want to acknowledge an issue)
This simple fix has resolved it.
@gomisan – Good to know the above suggested work-around is helping although we are still not seeing where / what the conflict is to create the problem especially since we are not able to reproduce the original issue ourselves.
– Cais.
I’m using an older version of Nextgen (2.1.50) in order to avoid the very same issue as the OP and others have already mentioned. With the recent Nextgen vulnerability that Sucuri uncovered, this is of course not an ideal situation.
I’ll have to try @tclonglpc’s solution – and thank you tclonglpc for going out of your way to post your solution for others facing the same issue.
@silico26 – If the issue persists, please start your own topic so we can try to help you with your specific issue on your specific site.
– Cais.
@photocrati I can appreciate WordPress support best practices but your link is not necessary here. In fact you already mentioned in this very same thread “Unfortunately, without being able to reproduce the problem, I do not have much more to offer as the two plugins work fine together on my test sites.”
…this is why you see others buddying up on these topics regarding the same issue and helping each other. If the plugin authors aren’t able to reproduce the issue, of course we are going to chime in on each other’s threads.
@silico26 – Best of luck resolving this issue for your site, although as noted in the guidelines if the issue is resolved for the OP and not oneself it is still best to create another topic; and, I would also suggest linking to similar/related topics versus piling onto the same topic as the solution for one in many cases will not be the solution for all.
– Cais.
great solution fix me the problem, but for some reason the changes on the general setting of the plugin is not working, its not effecting the behavior of the plugin on my page.
any way to fix it ?
Tamir -
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
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