• Resolved tores54


    When using the shortcode [rvx-review-list]
    a list of all product reviews is displayed, but only reviews are shown, and which products are not displayed, how to fix it? Otherwise it is useless

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  • Hi @tores54

    [rvx-review-list] is for displaying the list of all reviews, if you want to show a product-specific review, you need to pass the product id
    [rvx-review-list product_id]

    For details please check: https://reviewx.io/docs/shortcode-to-display-product-review-lists/


    Thread Starter tores54


    You misunderstood me(
    I need to display which product each review belongs to

    And when a client visits the page where all the reviews are collected, he can see which product the review belongs to, so the client can go to the product from the reviews page

    Hi @tores54

    Sorry for the miscommunication. That’s an interesting feature, I think you want a link or product name with the review. But sorry currently in this shortcode we do not have this, but we have a plan to make series of shortcodes. I think we can introduce this feature.


    Thread Starter tores54


    Yes, that’s right!
    I think this is a must have function.
    Imagine, a client visits the reviews page, and there is just a list, it is not clear what products this applies to. such reviews are hard to trust
    In addition, it is simply inconvenient, neither for customers nor for store owners.

    Hi @tores54

    You are absolutely right, and thanks for the nice feature idea. I have already added this feature to our roadmap.


    hi is it possible to track from which country user has made the review like in review date it will be helpful to show date like this ‘Reviewed in Mexico on December 1, 2018’ by admin enable/disable feature -it is important for the site aiming to sell internationally. Also report abuse button is necessary to report to admin

    Hi @uddin33

    Thanks for the nice idea, I think you want to receive based on geolocation, that an interesting feature. And you are right that will be useful for the store owner who has the customer in different country.

    Currently, we do not have this feature, but I am adding this to our roadmap and will discuss it with our developer.

    Report abuse button can also be an important feature of this plugin, I am also adding this too.




    @uddin33 by mail you get a notification which tells you the IP-adress of the customer. Maybe that will help for now.

    Plugin Author Arifur Rahman Naim


    @rubenvankempen, you’re awesome, man!
    Thanks for sharing the quick hacks ??

    @uddin33, we’ll let you know right away, once we introduce the feature that you’re talking about.

    Thank you, guys ??

    @rubenvankempen, it needs to display the information to the customers so it won’t work in this case.

    Hi @tores54

    ?Hope you are doing great.???
    ?We have released a new update of ReviewX v1.2.5 as our new year release. ??

    In this release, we have added the option to display the product name in the review list shortcode. You can explore more here
    We have also introduced some awesome new features.
    ?You can check here: https://reviewx.io/reviewx-v1-2-5-release-note/
    ?Some important links:
    ?????ReviewX changelog: https://reviewx.io/changelog/
    ?????ReviewX Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reviewx
    Wish you a prosperous new year 2021. ??

    Hi tores54

    Hope you are doing great.??

    It was a nice suggestion by you, adding the product name along with the review in the review list shortcode. The good news is we have already implemented this on ReviewX v1.2.5, now the product name in the review list also linked with the product page.

    Btw, we have just released another update of ReviewX 1.2.8 and introduced the Divi integration. Explore the full changelogs: https://reviewx.io/changelog/

    Dear, If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our support.

    Thank you. ??

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