• Marcel and I have worked out an arrangement whereby I will be taking over future support and development of the Shortcode Exec PHP plugin for WordPress.

    It will take a little while before I am fully familiar with the great code Marcel has written for this plugin, so please bear with my while I get up-to-speed on it.

    I have made it a high priority on my work schedule over the next few weeks, though, and should soon be able to offer substantial assistance for anyone who need it.


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  • Thank you, looks a great plugin !

    Currently it does not work on Multisite installs I see so would love for you to make that one of your tasks.

    Thanks and good luck !!!

    Thanks for picking up the baton on this, Will, and I’m glad that Marcel’s great plug-in will continue to breath life.

    If you require a beta tester, feel free to ping me.


    Plugin Contributor M66B


    @cateappstech I developed and tested most of my plugin on a multi-site installation. So, to save Will some unnecessary headache: this plugin does work on a multi-site installation. It had been tested with the current version of the plugin and the current version of WordPress.

    Maybe there is something wrong, but ‘it does not work” is not very helpful to solve a specific problem.

    A correction on the Multi-site use! It DOES indeed work. I have defined 38 shortcodes at the Network level (Settings, Shortcode Exec PHP) and can use any and all of them on any site in the multisite config with no issues. I pass a variable based on the calling site to pull data for that specific site using the example attributes pass:

    extract(shortcode_atts(array(‘franchise’ => ‘1000’), $atts));

    Then the site calls the shortcode passing its unique franchise code to my php program, which then displays its own databased “about us” text/html. This is all the code I need in the content of the page:

    [about_us franchise=1234]

    With about 2000 sites to build for different sports leagues, it’s a Godsend!

    Yay!!!! Thank YOU, Will for keeping this plugin alive ??

    And Thank YOU, Marcel for all the work you’ve put into it and for also allowing and helping Will to carry it forward.

    Love this plugin and I’m using it on many, many sites so this was terrifying me for a bit!

    Let me know if I can help in any way.
    Thanks to you BOTH!

    Is it still being maintained ?

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