Pls try the new dev verson
Updated readme:
= 6.5.06 =
= Bug Fixes =
* Sorting albums by clicking the new up/down arrows rpeatedly now skips useless updates and therefor no longer takes more time than needed.
* Importing videofiles larger than 64MB now work correctly.
The files are no longer truncated due to a php copy bug.
The files will be removed from the depot regardless of the remove checkbox setting because rename() is used insted of copy().
* Fixed source image permalinks for photos in albums with spaces in the name.
* If Fotomoto is in use and switched off for the page, you will no longer see a link to the checkout page.
* Fixed a spurious bad ratio issue on type="photo" and type="sphoto".
* Fixed a possible 'album does not exist' log message caused by fe upload selection box when the last album used non longer exists.
= New Features =
* You can now catch the ajax rendered content in a modal box. An easy way to get back to the original display by quitting the modal box.
Related settings: Table IV-A1.2 to switch the feature on; Table III-B13 to set the background color;
* Table II-E8. Display photocount along with album title. You can use css class .wppa-cover-pcount to change style.
* New shortcodes: [wppa type="pcount" album="13"][/wppa] and [wppa type="acount" album="13"][/wppa] print photo count and subalbum count of the given album.
* New shortcodes: [wppa type="pcount" parent="13"][/wppa] and [wppa type="acount" parent="13"][/wppa] print photo count and subalbum count of the given album including sub-albums.
Note: these shortcodes only accept positive integers for album="" and parent="" attributes.
= Other Changes =
* Sharing form type="mphoto" or type="xphoto" will now always share the single image, regardless of the setting of Table II-C99.
* Moved loading js files from action 'init' to action 'wp_print_scripts'.
* Upload edit new style is now done in a modal dialog rather than a pop-up browser window.
* Table VIII-C listings are now displayed in a modal dialog box rather than a pop-up browser window.