• Resolved JasonDomestiqueDigital



    I installed Version 1.8 of your plugin and now want to place it in the footer of a website I’m building for a client. However, all I’m seeing is the shortcode text on the site, not the content.

    https://www.domestiquedigital.com/domestiquedigitalstaging1/ (the right footer widget)

    First I used this shortcode, which didn’t work:

    [wp_social_sharing social_options=’facebook,twitter,googleplus,linkedin,pinterest’ twitter_username=’arjun077′ facebook_text=’Share on Facebook’ twitter_text=’Share on Twitter’ googleplus_text=’Share on Google+’ linkedin_text=’Share on Linkedin’ pinterest_text=”Share on Pinterest” icon_order=’f,t,g,l,p’ show_icons=’0′ before_button_text=” text_position=” social_image=”]

    Then, based on the settings I chose, I tried this shortcode:

    [wp_social_sharing social_options=’facebook,twitter,linkedin’ facebook_text=’Share on Facebook’ twitter_text=’Share on Twitter’ linkedin_text=’Share on Linkedin’ icon_order=’f,t,l’ show_icons=‘3’ before_button_text=’Share this site with your family and friends’ text_position=‘Top’ social_image=‘none’]

    Neither worked. Any ideas?

    Thanks for your help.


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  • It sounds like your widgets are not parsing shortcodes. If that is the case, no shortcode of any kind would work there. You will need to add the following to your functions.php file (preferably in a child theme):

    add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);

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