Yes I believe so. I am considering to allow the shortcode in other post types than pages.
You can download a version 3.6.6 here or go to the developer tab and download it.
it contains updated widgets due to a change in WordPress core for version 4.3 that is released next week, so be aware that you most likely will have to add the frontier widgets again (if you use them at all)
3.6.6 also adds the posibility to return to frontier post instead of backend from PressThis
I have added 2 changes to address your issue, and I hope you will test them:
1: The error message now contains info on the post-type being displayed, the post id and if it a single post or multiple post view (S/M).
2: In advanced settings you can now choose which post types to allow frontier-post shortcode in.
Be aware that it can have side effects, if the short code is in a post that is displayed in a search.
let me know if it solves your issue.
I expect to release a new version in a couple of days to adress the WP 4.3 changes. I am not sure if the above change will make this release as it needs to be tested – but here you can help ??