• Hi — I am starting to work with EntryWizard and am trying to view the example form. I inserted the shortcode but get an error upon loading the page. In addition, I see two EntryWizard dropdowns in the edit screen, neither of which does anything — one has a blank dropdown, and the other is populated but clicking on a selection does nothing. I have attached some screen shots. Thanks! (Oops–don’t see any way to upload screen shots)

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  • Plugin Author Josie Stauffer


    What does the error message say when you load the page? ( Exactly, please — copy-paste if possible )

    Thread Starter rytch


    Thanks so much for your very quick response! I have since deactivated all plugins except for our theme, and the shortcode and one dropdown worked fine. I then re-added the plugins one by one and with all re-enabled, the shortcode was working fine. When I changed the identifier for the example form, the shortcode no longer worked and the dropdown stopped working, and I received this error message: *** EntryWizard ERROR ***
    Missing identifier attribute for shortcode. Thanks again for your help.

    Plugin Author Josie Stauffer


    Sounds as if we are in the same timezone, at least ??

    A couple of things to check:

    After you changed the identifier in the webform, did you refresh the edit page in order to pick up the new identifier in the dropdown?

    Make sure you actually saved the webform with it’s new identifier, and saved the changed page/post.

    Did you insert the shortcode by manually typing it in, or by selecting it from the dropdown? If manually, check very carefully that you have no typos in the identifier, including incorrect spaces.
    If you used the dropdown, did it actually insert the correct shortcode, with the new identifier?

    Thread Starter rytch


    I did double check everything again. At this point, when I select a dropdown, nothing happens. Also, there are still two dropdowns, one with blank selections. Is that normal?

    At this point, I think I will again go through de-activating plugins, and this time try each time to change the identifier, and see if things work after the change. Will do that project later on (I’m off to a camera club event).

    Thanks again for your help.

    Plugin Author Josie Stauffer


    Unless you also installed EWZ-Rating ( which has its own dropdown titled “EWZR Shortcodes” ) there should only be one.

    Thread Starter rytch


    It turns out Page Builder is conflicting with EntryWizard. I checked and double-checked and that plugin is the culprit. I have it disabled so I hope nothing in the website is affected. And I do have EWZ-Rating installed, so that explains the second dropdown.

    Now I can start exploring the plugin! Thanks for your help.

    Thread Starter rytch


    Oops, now I see that Page Builder is required for EntryWizard. Guess my goose is cooked ??

    Plugin Author Josie Stauffer


    I did a quick web search. It seems page builder has problems with all shortcodes, not just EntryWizard. I don’t have time to look into it further, but this may give you a clue:


    Thread Starter rytch


    Yes, I see. What confuses me is that on the Webforms page for EntryWizard, it states that Page Builder is required. Is it possible to go ahead and use EntryWizard without Page Builder? Thanks again.

    Plugin Author Josie Stauffer


    “Page Builder is required” ???
    I don’t know where that is coming in. If you are using something called Page Builder, that is what must be creating the message.

    This is the first time I have even heard of such a plugin. It is certainly not required for EntryWizard.

    Thread Starter rytch


    Excellent! I will remove Page Builder from the equation and continue on. Thank you so much for all your timely responses!

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