Hi gotequity,
normaly not. But I think it could be possible, if you can access an easy-quotes gutenberg block on a page or a post to create your “shortode”/”block-shortcode”.
- Add an easy quotes gutenberg block
- configure all your settings
- switch to Code editor (On the screens upper right corner, right of the post/page “update” button, the 3 vertical dots. Switch from “Visual editor” to “Code editor”
Then you should see somthing like that.
<!-- wp:layart/quotes-block {"isShowStars":true,"isShowRating":true,"selectedFontsCategory":"4","fontFamily":{"family":"Hachi Maru Pop","version":"v10","category_id":"4","family_slug":"hachimarupop","variant":{"id":1,"file":"~ChAKDkhhY2hpIE1hcnUgUG9wIAAqBAgBGAE=.ttf"}}} /-->
Now you should be able to add this as “html” or with a template hook to your header.
I didn’t tested it, so if you try it, it would be nice to get some feedback if it’s working… ??
Have a nice day