• Andrew Randazzo


    I used the following snippet in my functions.php file. It worked as far as allowing shortcodes to work in widgets, but it’s messing up my other widgets.

    // Enable shortcodes in widgets
    add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);

    First it’ll cause the other widgets to want to align to the right of the widget with the shortcode. I have a widget though that doesn’t fit on the right so by default it falls below the shortcode widget where it’s originally supposed to be. The second problem is it changes the font of my widget titles by making it a smaller size and regular instead of bold. Not sure if there’s another snippet someone could give me to fix this.

    Example: https://primemedicaltraining.com/heartsaver-cpr-aed/

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  • Michael


    what shortcode are you using in the textwidget?

    is the shortcode from a plugin? if so, which plugin?

    can you post a link to a page where somebody can inspect the problem?

    Thread Starter Andrew Randazzo


    alchymyth, the link was in my original post and here it is again.


    I am using a shortcode from the Pricing Table plugin.

    The shortcode is: [ahm-pricing-table id=373 template=”smooth” currency=”$”]

    I added a sample widget so you can see how it aligns to the right of the first widget which is my pricing table shortcode. The 3rd widget is aligned underneath the 1st widget because of it’s size but the title of the widget should be bigger and bold.



    one problem is that the shortcode seems to be outputting invalid html be opening 4 divs and only closing three divs;

    please post in the plugin’s https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/pricing-table

    what is the exact full content you are adding into the textwidget(s)?

    a side problem also seems to that the widgets are not wrapped each in its own container – what is the code of register_sidebar() in functions.php?

    to fix the widget title issue, try to add this to style.css:

    .widget-title { clear: both; }

    Thread Starter Andrew Randazzo


    The first widget is only 2 shortcode:

    [ahm-pricing-table id=373 template=”smooth” currency=”$”]



    [ahm-pricing-table id=385 template=”smooth” currency=”$”]</br>

    The second widget is:
    Title: Example. Body: Aligned to the right.

    Third widget is: Upcoming classes (with list of classes).

    This is the register_sidebar code. I’m using Woosidebars, though, so it replaces this sidebar with a custom sidebar.

    register_sidebar( array(
    ‘name’ => __( ‘Main Sidebar’, ‘twentyeleven’ ),
    ‘id’ => ‘sidebar-1’,
    ‘before_widget’ => ”,
    ‘after_widget’ => “”,
    ‘before_title’ => ‘<h3 class=”widget-title”>’,
    ‘after_title’ => ‘</h3>’,
    ) );

    The snippet you gave me didn’t change the font of the titles, but it did cause the widget areas to align vertically instead of to the right of the pricing table.



    didn’t change the font of the titles

    for that, you need to fix the problem with the ‘broken'(?) ‘pricing-tables’ plugin output.
    have you asked in the ‘pricing-tables’ plugin’s forum?

    see also the ‘unclosed div’ errors in the validation report https://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fprimemedicaltraining.com%2Fheartsaver-cpr-aed%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0

    Thread Starter Andrew Randazzo


    Oh I see. Yes, I did post it in the plugin support forum. Waiting for their response.

    I guess it wouldn’t be hard to throw in a closed div. I just need to find out where that is.

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