The commas do not perform the filtering that they do when entered directly on Youtube is what I’m saying. On Youtube, they call the secondary Filters as if you performed the search and then clicked FILTER and made some selections from the columns UPLOAD DATE, TYPE, DURATION, and FEATURES.
But when using commas with your shortcode, for example:
[youtube search=yes]gordon ramsay, today[/youtube]
It sends the word “today” as a search term, so it results in his appearances on the Today show, or put out by the channel called Today. In other words, it doesn’t filter by Upload Date. I’m just giving you this info so when you get around to working on your code, you will have all the necessary data to try to provide full functionality. Being able to call those filters from your short code, in addition to using quotes and the “intitle:” term, would make your plugin exponentially more powerful and more awesome!