• Resolved vipo


    I am in the process to replace WordPress Popular Posts (which is banned from Kinsta WP hosting) and was very happy to find Top 10! I’m using v3.3.3 (newest as of today).

    It works fine in an widget context (“Popular Posts [Top 10]” within a header and footer sidebar), but if i try to use it within a post content, either using “Widgets On Pages”-plugin or using the Top-10 shortcode “tptn_list” directly, a wrong posts listing is generated.

    I’ve used: [tptn_list include_cat_ids=”nnn” limit=”20″ heading=”0″ daily=”0″ how_old=”9999″ show_date=”1″ show_excerpt=”1″ disp_list_count=”1″]

    => Instead of limiting all posts regarding cat-id equals/contains “nnn” posts from another category are shown?

    My goal is to assure, that ONLY posts with the cat-id “nnn” are used in the listing, aka filtered view (also a post can have other categories additionally). As mentioned: Using “Only from categories (comma-separated list of term taxonomy IDs):” configuration within a widget (e.g. Footer Sidebar), the result is as expected, but not in a post context.

    I’ll further research that issue and try to use the Query Monitor plugin, which i’ve not yet tested.

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  • Plugin Author Ajay


    Am I correct in understanding that the widget works but the shortcode doesn’t? Both use the same code in the background. I will need to test this out to see if something has gone wrong with it.

    Are you using the block editor by any chance? If so can you check the block?

    Also when you have a moment the QM query will help. BTW remember to turn on caching once you are up and running.

    Thread Starter vipo


    I’m migrating an old site (using an old theme) which isn’t using Gutenberg Block Editor, but “Classic Editor” and “Classic Widgets” plugins instead.

    The widget works only in the context of the theme header (mega menu) and footer. The widget does’nt work when used on a page context, e.g. embedded using “Widgets On Pages”-plugin. Also the shortcode (used within a page content) doesn’t work, meaning NOT showing the correct filtered category postings, but a listings of posts from another category. So i have to use the WRONG cat-id as a value for include_cat_ids shortcode param to get the results from my original one. Very weired!

    In my example: using include_cat_ids=”255″ instead of correctly “258”.

    But wait: As i’ve checked the value shifts for this comment, i’ve seen, that it is always a difference of “3” !?? => I’ve found a curious – temporary ?? – workaround for my problem! Now verified that with another page, if i use “cat-id minus 3” the correct/desired listing is produced.

    Another info: In my original comment i’ve stated the context are posts, but i’ve used the shortcode only within pages (if that matters).

    From Query Monitor: is_page, is_singular,

    Header query (working as expected) – used in a mega menu: WP_Query->get_posts()

    SELECT?wp_posts.*,wp_top_ten.postnumber, wp_top_ten.cntaccess as visits, wp_top_ten.blog_id?
    ON?(wp_posts.ID = wp_term_relationships.object_id)
    AND?( wp_posts.post_date <= ‘2024-04-12 13:37:47’ )
    AND?( wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id?IN?(2337,2343) )
    AND?wp_posts.post_type = ‘post’
    AND?((wp_posts.post_status = ‘publish’
    OR?wp_posts.post_status = ‘inherit’))
    ORDER?BY?wp_posts.menu_order, wp_top_ten.cntaccess?DESC
    LIMIT?0, 27

    Page context (*working*, but using WRONG cat-id 240 instead of 243): WP_Query->get_posts()

    Shortcode: [tptn_list include_cat_ids=”240″ limit=”20″ heading=”0″ daily=”0″ how_old=”9999″ show_date=”1″ show_excerpt=”1″ disp_list_count=”1″]

    SELECT?wp_posts.*,wp_top_ten.postnumber, wp_top_ten.cntaccess as visits, wp_top_ten.blog_id?
    ON?(wp_posts.ID = wp_term_relationships.object_id)
    AND?( ( wp_posts.post_date >= ‘1996-11-26 00:00:00’
    AND?wp_posts.post_date <= ‘2024-04-12 13:37:47’ ) )
    AND?( wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id?IN?(240) )
    AND?wp_posts.post_password = ”
    AND?wp_posts.post_type?IN?(‘post’, ‘page’)
    AND?((wp_posts.post_status = ‘publish’
    OR?wp_posts.post_status = ‘inherit’))
    ORDER?BY?wp_posts.menu_order, wp_top_ten.cntaccess?DESC
    LIMIT?0, 60

    Thread Starter vipo


    BTW: I’ve exported and converted the WPP stats data into the required csv-format to be used within Top-10 and imported the 2 CSVs into Top 10 to have the whole original stats.

    Plugin Author Ajay


    Thank you for the detailed explanations. The only thing I can think of, and would need confirming, is that it could be the mismatch between term_id and term_taxonomy_id especially if the site is very old – I have that issue on my blog which dates back over 20 years. The one way to verify it is to get the term and dump the term object to see if that is correct.

    Curious as to how did you export the WPP data? I might look to build an importer but I’ll need to study WPP a bit better – potentially other plugins.

    Thread Starter vipo


    Re offset)

    The site is from 2015. I’ve done upgrades from WP4.9 to WP5.2 (on very old server env, e.g. php 5.6), then directly into WP 6.5.2 (on DevKinsta locally, then synced to an empty new staging environment on a kinsta webspace).

    The query monitor request shows that a “wrong” category-id (240) is actually used (as from shortcode param), but the results shown are from another category (243)!
    BTW: There is NO category with an id 240 in the db! (verified using /wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category&orderby=ID&order=asc and checking results && also did use ‘SELECT * FROM wp_terms WHERE term_id = ‘240’ in adminer yields no results, but 243 does!)

    In the db table wp_terms is the key ‘term_id’ in use.

    I’ve searched in the table ‘wp_term_taxonomy’ (<=> there seems to be the problem, as you have mentioned!): SELECT * FROM wp_term_taxonomy WHERE term_id = ‘243’


    term_taxonomy_id = 240 (as used in the shortcode)
    term_id = 243

    => The problem here is, that the term_taxonomy_id is not directly visible within WP.
    => Best solution would be to add an alternate param within the shortcode?

    Re WPP stats)

    I exported wp_popularpostsdata and wp_popularpostssummary tables from the WP database (using phpmyadmin) as CSV and used simple python scripts to convert into Top 10 import format. Formats and contents are very similar.

    Thread Starter vipo


    I’ve just reverified, that the header and footer Top-10 sidebar widget is actually showing data from the desired categories (and doing so using the given term_id values)?

    Checking the table using [SELECT * FROM wp_term_taxonomy] – using 2331 as where clause gives:


    => here term_taxonomy_id and term_id ARE THE SAME (!)

    => I don’t know why these ids are different (offset 3) in the other group of categories??

    Plugin Author Ajay


    This could be a legacy issue of WordPress where there were first term_ids and when the taxonomy system was added the terms.


    • term_id is the ID of a term in the terms table.
    • taxonomy designates the taxonomy in which the term resides. The default taxonomies are category, link_category, and post_tag.
    • term_taxonomy_id is a unique ID for the term+taxonomy pair.

    To be honest, this was one part that frustrated me the most in finding a clean way to do it – as you rightly mention that the term_taxonomy_id is not available easily. What I have done with the settings page is to give you the term_taxonomy_id and also why you have the extra greyed out field.

    I think all the WP sites today just have this as same because of the way a fresh install works vs much older installs. The problem then is coding that in creates probably more confusions than less.

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