• I’m not new to coding, or for that matter wordpress, although ever since I’ve been using wordpress, never once have i been able to get shortcode to work. Just recently, I’ve been trying to get my shortcode to execute from many different places. I started with add_shortcode and my function in my functions.php file with no luck and at best having it just echo out what was in the content of the post or page. Switching between visual and HTML made no difference. Moving add_shortcode and my function from functions.php to a new plugin didn’t work either. I’ve also tryed MANY different plugins from the repository with shortcode and have never been able to get the result from them. There is almost no other part of wordpress I don’t already know, and being bested by something this trivial is really irking me.

    Is there anyone out there that can point me in the right direction. All I need is a whiff in the right direction and I’ll most likely be able to get everything I want with that.

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  • Do you mind posting that section in your functions.php file with the code to your shortcode? Let’s see what’s happening there…

    what shortcodes are you trying?

    have you tested that in the default theme Twenty Ten?

    does your output use the_content() for instance in single.php?

    can you post a link to a post where the shortcodes should be executed?

    and what is the code from the html editor for that post?

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