• Resolved dailycdev


    I have been blocking this plugin for updates for a very long time, but since decided to test the update in my staging site to see if the shortcoder updates have fixed the issues that I have been seeing. Here is the issue.
    * v4.6 works perfectly for my Bible page, but when updating to v5 and higher (v5.3.1), the menu no longer brings up the results. I used to not know why this is the case until today. And here is what I am seeing, that needs fixed with your plugin. If I shorten the length of my shortcode, then it works, but at the current length, it does not work. This shortcode does not work, [sc name=”old-testament-messages-chapters-menu”] (https://1drv.ms/t/s!AtzxGqXDzsbBifgCvvkE7v1x-H1E2A?e=FzaEN4), which is the entire Old Testament Chapters Menu structure, but limiting it to just the first 10 chapters of Genesis and Exodus with this shortcode, it works, [sc name=”old_testament_messages_chapters_menu_modified”] (https://1drv.ms/t/s!AtzxGqXDzsbBifgDIDaZ4aAkEY5K3g?e=qgvZVc). And here is the bible.js file (https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtzxGqXDzsbBifgEno0lyCLWU21u3g?e=9lx067) that points to this page that makes the menus function the way they should.

    The link I sent you is to my Bible page that is using the v4.6 plugin, and everything works. However, I’ve given you all that you need, in order to reproduce the issue on your end and then hopefully come out with a fix. I do not want to break my Bible page by updating to v5.3.1 until this issue is resolved. Thanks.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author vaakash


    Hi @dailycdev,

    Thanks for your time in gathering the details.

    Shortcoder does not have any limits in the code size. I’ve tested the plugin with even bigger code and they work.

    After upgrading to v5+ did you try pasting the full code into the the “visual editor” manually and save it ?

    Since the code is huge, there could be problem with automatic migration.

    In your staging site, you can try the following:

    1) While in V4, copy the huge shortcode content which is not working as a backup.

    2) Upgrade to V5

    3) Paste the shortcode content manually in the visual editor and save the shortcode.

    4) See if the entire content is saved as expected in v5. If yes, then whatever you’ve saved will be there in the output. Shortcoder does not manipulate with the code.


    Thread Starter dailycdev


    I found the issue…

    Your plugin is converting the following code upon upgrading to v5 and higher…
    <select class=”chosen” onchange=”location = this.value;”>


    <select class=”chosen”>


    <option selected=”true” disabled=”disabled”>Select Chapter</option>


    <option selected=”true”>Select Chapter</option>

    See below…
    Original Code in Shortcode, using v4.6
    <div class=”bbooks”>
    <select id=”myselectio1n” class=”chosen”>
    <option selected=”true” disabled=”disabled”>Select Book</option>
    <option value=”1″/>Genesis</option>
    <option value=”2″/>Exodus</option>
    <div id=”sho1w1″ class=”myDi1v”>
    <select class=”chosen” onchange=”location = this.value;”>
    <option selected=”true” disabled=”disabled”>Select Chapter</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-1/”>1</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-2/”>2</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-3/”>3</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-4/”>4</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-5/”>5</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-6/”>6</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-7/”>7</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-8/”>8</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-9/”>9</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-10/”>10</option>
    <div id=”sho1w2″ class=”myDi1v”>
    <select class=”chosen” onchange=”location = this.value;”>
    <option selected=”true” disabled=”disabled”>Select Chapter</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-1/”>1</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-2/”>2</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-3/”>3</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-4/”>4</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-5/”>5</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-6/”>6</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-7/”>7</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-8/”>8</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-9/”>9</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-10/”>10</option>
    Modified by your plugin upon conversion to from v4.6 to v5.3.1
    <div class=”bbooks”>
    <select id=”myselectio1n” class=”chosen”>
    <option selected=”true”>Select Book</option>
    <option value=”1″ />Genesis</option>
    <option value=”2″ />Exodus</option>
    <div id=”sho1w1″ class=”myDi1v”>
    <select class=”chosen”>
    <option selected=”true”>Select Chapter</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-1/”>1</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-2/”>2</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-3/”>3</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-4/”>4</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-5/”>5</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-6/”>6</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-7/”>7</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-8/”>8</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-9/”>9</option>
    <option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-10/”>10</option>
    <div id=”sho1w2″ class=”myDi1v”>
    <select class=”chosen”>
    <option selected=”true”>Select Chapter</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-1/”>1</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-2/”>2</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-3/”>3</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-4/”>4</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-5/”>5</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-6/”>6</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-7/”>7</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-8/”>8</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-9/”>9</option>
    <option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-10/”>10</option>

    Plugin Author vaakash


    Strange why disabled=”disabled” is missing.

    There is no such code in Shortcoder to do the same.

    Glad that you found the issue.

    You can replace the shortcode content in v5 with the original and things should be fine.

    Thread Starter dailycdev


    Based on what I just posted, why is your plugin stripping code from my shortcodes? Because of this, I feel like I cannot trust upgrading to the latest version since many other pages with code in their shortcodes would also be manipulated and possibly not work. So please consider fixing this. Stripping code off like wordpress.com used to do to me until I moved to www.ads-software.com was terrible.

    Thread Starter dailycdev


    Your plugin is converting the following code upon upgrading to v5 and higher…
    <select class=”chosen” onchange=”location = this.value;”>
    <select class=”chosen”>

    And this brakes all the menus on my site.
    Please update your plugin to not remove code in the shortcodes.

    Thread Starter dailycdev


    Your plugin is also converting the following…
    <option selected=”true” disabled=”disabled”>Select Chapter</option>
    <option selected=”true”>Select Chapter</option>

    Hopefully, an update will come out that will fix the stripping of code off, when going from v4.6 to v5 and higher.

    Thread Starter dailycdev


    I went ahead and backed up every shortcode, then upgraded the plugin to the current version and went into code editor and fixed every shortcode, since most of them had pieces of code stripped out like <script> and more. In saying this, I hope this issue gets fixed for the future.

    Plugin Author vaakash



    Shortcoder does not remove them.

    Also there is no need for Shortcoder to specifically remove them either.

    It should be because of someother plugin stripping off the attributes and keep the remaining for some security/safety checks.

    If I could get the list of plugins active I could guess what could be causing this.


    Thread Starter dailycdev


    I appreciate you giving me the idea to do the following…
    “You can replace the shortcode content in v5 with the original and things should be fine.”

    That was what fixed my issue.
    And a couple new ideas I found for a new version is the following…
    * Add a Date Modified Column, so we can see the shortcodes that have recently been modified.
    * Add an automated tag for shortcodes with errors in them. You can name the tag “Error” and auto tag shortcodes with it. This would be helpful to know what shortcodes I need fixed.

    Anyhow, thanks again for making a very good plugin that is essential for wordpress.

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