Is there any capability you might know of where users can get to ‘levels’
Not in the current version of this plugin. Eventually I’d like to add achievements-for-achievements, or achievements when you get a specific number of points.
Super busy at the moment, and the next release is focused on adding leaderboards/rankings.
Do you not think they give users a lot more flexibility for placements around the site?
Two reasons, really. One is that if you ever switch from WordPress to another system (or even to another WP-powered site), you have to continue to implement something like a shortcode to not break all your old content (i’m thinking of regular blog posts here), or do a big search/replace in the DB to strip those.
In the bigger picture, if users want to be able to insert other content into the middle of their blog posts, then WordPress should find a proper solution for that, rather than relying on shortcodes as a “solution”.
I don’t think this will be solvable until the post editor screen becomes more than just a textarea.