• Resolved floeschie


    Context: WordPress

    I created a Gutenberg group block which includes a headline and a Simple Calendar shortcode. I tested the output and everything worked as expected.

    Then I transformed the group block into a pattern (f.k.a. widget) and added this pattern block in another page template using the site editor.

    Expected result

    The headline and the calendar items from Google Calendar are shown wherever I use the template.

    Actual result

    The shortcode is shown instead of the calendar entries.

    Additional information

    JSON of the pattern

      "__file": "wp_block",
      "title": "Upcoming events",
      "content": "<!-- wp:group {\"layout\":{\"type\":\"constrained\"}} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-group\"><!-- wp:heading {\"fontSize\":\"large\"} -->\n<h2 class=\"wp-block-heading has-large-font-size\">Upcoming events</h2>\n<!-- /wp:heading -->\n\n<!-- wp:shortcode -->\n[calendar id=\"268\"]\n<!-- /wp:shortcode --></div>\n<!-- /wp:group -->",
      "syncStatus": ""

    System information

    Version: 6.4.3
    Locale: de_DE
    Timezone: Europe/Berlin
    Multisite: No
    Permalinks: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    WP Memory Limit: 40 MB
    WP Debug Mode: keine
    Script Debug: keine Active Theme
    Twenty Twenty-Four - 1.0
    Child Theme: No
    Parent Theme: - Active Plugins
    Local Google Fonts: 0.22.0
    Lightbox for Gallery & Image Block: 1.13
    Spectra: 2.12.2
    Fonts Plugin | Google Fonts Typography: 3.5.1
    Simple Calendar: 3.3.0
    Pretty Google Calendar: 1.7.1
    Default featured image: 1.7.3
    Backup-Migration: 1.4.2 Server Environment
    Server Environment
    Web Server: Apache/2.4.54 (Debian)
    PHP Version: 7.4.30
    MySQL Version: 8.0.29
    Server Timezone: UTC
    Display Errors: No
    Memory Limit: 256M
    Upload Max Filesize: 2M
    Post Max Size: 8M
    Max Execution Time: 30
    Max Input Vars: 1000
    fsockopen: Yes
    cURL: 7.74.0
    SOAP: No
    WP Remote POST: Yes
    WP Remote GET: No (401) Client Information
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  • Plugin Support john


    Hi there,

    Thanks for keeping in touch with us.

    In this case, I have carried out tests on this and even converted the Group block to a pattern, added the pattern to a page and the calendar is actually rendered. Here is a screenshot: https://prnt.sc/Is2gh-aWH94A .

    Based on the above, could you kindly try disabling other plugin you have in place and test this once again. If the issue is resolved, please reactivate the plugins one by one to identify the conflicting plugin.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Kind Regards

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