Thanks for the fast response. Basically, I’d love to see a shortcode that instead of displaying the reviews in a post listing format like a blog, display them in a grid format, possibly with an option for two or three columns.
What would also be superfantastic would be the ability to add the category or tag in order to display a subset of the reviews:
[wp-reviews cols=”2″] (would show all reviews in a two column grid
[wp-reviews cols=”2″ cat=”plugins”]
[wp-reviews cols=”2″ cat=”electronics”] (would display reviews in the category of choice)
As for content displayed, a summary with the ratings, link to full review and the buy button. I suppose it’d be similar to the shortcode in your pro version ([P_REVIEW]) and may compliment that one nicely. I’ll be getting the Pro version, so if there’s a way to work these additional codes in, it’d be incredible.
Thanks – it’s a great plugin so far!