• bellportweb


    For some reason my spoiler tags are no longer working. This is the code I currently have…What is wrong here?

    [spoiler title="Available Options" open="yes"]
    [spoiler title="Packaging Options" open="no"]
    <li>11 lbs. - 1 1/9 bushels carton - (Choice Quality)</li>
    [spoiler title="Availability" open="no"]
    <li>All Year Round</li>
    [spoiler title="Special Packaging" open="no"]
    <li>Available Upon Request</li>
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  • baclab


    i have the same problem with the spoiler. no working here ??



    I found the plugin that is guilty for it,Autoptimize. Can’t see what for settings exactly, but to get shortcodes to work again, I disable the plugin for the moment.

    Hi Baclab;
    I’m Autoptimize’s developer. I don’t really know shortcodes (others here do, so they can correct me if I’m wrong), but based on a quick scan of the code the spoiler functionality depends on “assets/js/other-shortcodes.js”. So add that (without the quotes) to the comma-seperated “exclude from JS optimization” list and try to re-enabling AO. It is possible you’ll also have to add jquery.js (which is a dependancy of other-shortcodes.js) and/ or that you’ll have to “force JS in head”.

    And if all of that fails, you could always just disable JS optimization, keeping CSS & HTML active.

    Hope this helps,



    hey frank,

    thanks a lot. Autoptimize is a nice tool and I don’t want to skip it. Your method works perfectly and Your way to run it again was a great help!

    Brilliant! Thanks Frank! Exactly what I was just looking for as well!

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