WPDM shortcodes not processed on target site
I’m using this on a multisite and I have this on my target page in blog 30:
[rps-include blog=23 post=5771 filter=true]
There are two types of shortcodes on the source page, from two different plugins:
1) “Tabby” tabs –
[tabby title="Algebra"]
2) WP Download Manager –
[wpdm_category id="algebra" tags="case-study,case-studies" toolbar="0" template="568dc073bf39f" cols=1 colspad=1 colsphone=1 item_per_page="30"]
The “Tabby” plugin is network activated, and it works fine on the target site/page – that is, it creates tabs for content as expected.
The WPDM plugin is also network activated, but it does not have any actual content in the target site, only in the source site. It is not displaying content from the source site on the target site.
I suspect I understand the problem, but I’d like to know if there is a way to fix it.
WPDM provides a way to build a repository of downloadable content. I have created a lot of downloads on one site of the network, but I would like to show a list items from one WPDM category on another site in the network.
WPDM does not support this functionality, so I hoped RPS Includes would be a workaround.
Unfortunately, it fails gracefully (displays nothing) on the target page.
Is there any chance at making this work?
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