• drift_dave


    I have recently had all the shortcodes for a variety of plugins stop working. For example the shortcode [polls_page] for Lester Chan’s plugin WP-Polls no longer creates the Polls Archive Page when the shortcode is inserted into a page. Previous to this they have all been working well.

    You can see the non-working example (just displays the shortcode and doesn’t render the plugin) right here:


    There are two events that might be contributing to the issue. I upgraded to 2.7.1 recently and soon after that, I moved my WordPress directory from a subdirectory to the Root directory.

    Anyone have any suggestions on how to get my shortcodes working again?

    Thanks in advance,

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  • MichaelH


    Does this apply?

    From the Usage tab at https://lesterchan.net/wordpress/readme/wp-polls.html:

    1. Go to ‘WP-Admin -> Pages -> Add New’.
    2. Type any title you like in the post’s title area.
    3. If you ARE using nice permalinks, after typing the title, WordPress will generate the permalink to the page. You will see an ‘Edit’ link just beside the permalink.
    4. Click ‘Edit’ and type in ‘pollsarchive’ in the text field (without the quotes) and click ‘Save’.
    5. Type ‘[page_polls]’ in the post’s content area (without the quotes).
    6. Click ‘Publish’.
    7. If you ARE NOT using nice permalinks, you need to go to ‘WP-Admin -> Polls -> Poll Options’ and under ‘Poll Archive -> Polls Archive URL’, you need to fill in the URL to the Polls Archive Page you created above.

    What other shortcodes are not working?

    I’m also having this problem, but *only* with new shortcodes since the 2.7.1 upgrade (so I believe…)

    Was something changed in 2.7.1? All of my previous shortcodes work, but a new one does not – it just prints out the shortcode text.


    Please disregard! ??

    Found the issue. User error!

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