• I know Lifestyle theme is a child theme of Omega theme. In order to modify/ customize my website, should I create a child theme to a child theme in order to ensure my modifications are not lost when there is updates to a Lifestyle theme (which is a child theme)?

    My website is –> https://www.startsimplifying.com

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  • you can’t have a child theme of a child theme.

    in your case, you will need to edit the files of ‘lifestyle’ directly, plus any other files you might need to copy from the parent theme, if necessary.

    Hi Simplify Your Life,

    Just took a look at your site and I really like the category pages you’ve got setup. Could you tell me how you got them looking so nice – the centred formatting and the continue reading buttons? Did you play around with the css file on the Lifestyle theme?



    Hi Simplify Your Life

    I really like the category pages on your site like this one https://startsimplifying.com/category/blogging-for-beginners/

    How did you customise it? Can you run me through how you centred the post excerpts and images, changed the font and got rid of the “By [AUTHOR]” line that seems to appear by default on my theme? And how did you insert the “Continue reading” buttons?



    Theme Author themehit


    You can customize by line section by copying entry-byline.php from omega/partials/entry-byline.php into lifestyle/partoals/entry-byline.php and remove this

    <span <?php omega_attr( 'entry-author' ); ?>><?php echo __('by ', 'omega'); the_author_posts_link(); ?></span>

    Btw, the site is not using lifestyle theme

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