@macmanx I understand. I just feel that the review does not help anyone. His opinion has nothing to do with the product itself. The review is basically stating that he thinks its over priced because we offer “to much features”. I honestly do not believe that it is relevant or helpful to anyone. I have read the guidelines many times and I understand them. The problem is, these forums are awesome, but when someone writes something irrelevant, its like spray painting the side of the local pizzeria that “Your slices are to big”, I do not think a business / plugin developer should be punished with a poor review because someone believes we “offer to much functionality”. You know that these plugins take months to develop, test, and document, etc and although I do understand everyone has their own opinion, the review had nothing to do with the actual product, its someones opinion that they feel is over priced and punished us for it. its like saying “My truck is a terrible vehicle because its Red”.