• is there a way to get a pdf to show up in a post as opposed to having to link to it? right now I am including an image from the pdf in a post (and as the thumbnail) and then /linking/ to the url in the body of the text, but i am wondering if there is a way to get the pdf to show up when you click on the thumbnail…

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  • Whether or not a PDF will display in your browser window depends on the settings of the browser on the user’s end. Some will open it up, and some will prompt for a download of the file. You really can’t control it.

    About the only reliable way to do it is to embed the PDF in the webpage (or link to it on an off-site doc viewer service) using something like Scribd.com or the Google Document Viewer ( https://docs.google.com/viewer )

    Thread Starter formpig


    hi kikonae.

    thank you.

    two things here. i have been really wanting to find out if there is a resource for troubleshooting google docs issues with pdf. for instance, i have documents that are printed to pdf but which show up on google docs with a substitute font that makes them look very stupid (it is like some machine text that messes up the formatting). Do you happen to know of a way to find out where to get info to solve this issue?

    also, i think you are referring to what happens /after/ you click on a link? i mean, i upload a pdf and then i /insert/ a link in some /text/ on my wordpress blogs POST. then someone /clicks/ on this /link/.

    is there a way to get the clicking on the THUMBNAIL that /goes/ to the post to go instead to the pdf – do you know what i mean? i mean, i want to bypass the post altogether and get some code that will send the post to the pdf instead of the text that has the link to the pdf….


    I think what you’re looking to do would require modifying things within the Loop. Basically telling your theme that, if the post has a PDF attached, don’t display the link in the normal way. You’d have to write some custom code.

    I don’t know about the font issue. My guess would be that the original font is not being embedded in the file, so Google is substituting a default, but I really have no way of knowing.

    Thread Starter formpig


    hi kionae. thank you for your help.

    just so i am sure i understand your help here.

    the link to the google viewer – this is a way to – well what does this do? this creates a /link/ (like a clickable url that opens a web page) for a pdf that is on my DESKTOP? I then /insert/ this code into a document or a web page or whatever and the document is available ONLINE via google viewer, is that right? I mean, I am using Google docs and I guess google docs also lets you upload the document so it is in with my other Google Documents?

    however, if I want to have a PDF come up as WORDPRESS PAGE – so that it is shown in with all my other Pages and Posts or whatever and doesn’t /require/ me to click on a link in a post to get to the PDF, then this is what you are saying requires custom coding is that right? I mean, if it requires custom coding then I can’t do it which is fine but if there is a better way of making these available than simply uploading them to the Public Folder or my website and creating a link in a post to them, then I would like to do this…


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