• This plugin is really awesome. I need to know how to make the following changes,
    1. I would like to show the answers for all questions automatically after the completion of quiz
    2. Instead of “View Questions”, I want to show “View Answers”
    3. How to customize css?

    Thanks in advance

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  • Hello

    I use it for education. They get a emailfeedback in % of each subject
    I miss following:
    1. There is a kind of statistic feature. It would be great to create an excel diagram to see the effort of each user.
    2. This diagram should be sent to the user. This may help him to decide, when he want to do the official test
    3. countdown in seconds for each question should be set serapate for each user. for the time beeing it is possible, but all users will be affected.

    Many thanks if you are able to integrate this in the new plug-in




    ok thanks
    How is it with this testresults? Is it possible that each user will see it on request within his account? Or do i have to send it to him?

    Is it possible to set time-limit for each user separetly?



    It will need custom development to save the whole result or time spent on each question or comparison with toppers etc. Current statics table doesn’t store these values.

    After that you will have to force the users to login / signup before or after finish of the test and then the result will be available to them in a My Account or Dashboard type of page, from there they can easily access the result or full analytics of each quiz attempted by them.


    Would it be possible to get a german-Plugin to test with a new quiz?

    Please let me know

    Many thanks



    I think German translation is already available for this plugin.
    You can check it here https://translate.www.ads-software.com/projects/wp-plugins/wp-pro-quiz

    Good Morning

    would it be possible to get a testversion in german?
    I’m wondering about:
    1. graphics for each user, personal analysing within account of each user
    2. settings of timelimit per question for each user
    3. general settings are the same as “old” plugin

    Thanks for response


    Hey praveen, i visited yuvayana.org
    I need some customization. I want to add a wallet to each user account so that they can buy products with their own balance. Their will be a REQUEST WITHDRAW button to withdraw balance from their wallet. and the mobile view and menu style should be different
    eamil me at [email protected]



    Hello @yuva1990

    I have sent you a mail on [email protected]. Please reply to that email so that we can discuss further.


    Hello @sanjay6039 , Please check your email.

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