The weaver theme is a twenty ten child theme, without a custom loop, the author is returned in a function twentyten_posted_on() which is code in the functions.php.
So you would have to do this with a stylesheet, by hiding three elements (classes) from two spans, note: ‘author’ and ‘vcard’ are two different classes.
If you view the page source we need to hide the following:
<span class="meta-sep">by</span> <span class="author vcard">
1. In the Admin > Appearance > Twenty Ten Weaver
2. Click on the ‘advanced options’
3. Find the text box <HEAD> Section
4 Replace:
<!-- Add your own CSS snippets between the style tags. -->
<style type="text/css">
<!-- Add your own CSS snippets between the style tags. -->
<style type="text/css">
.entry-meta .meta-sep,
.entry-meta .author,
.entry-meta .vcard{
Update Advanced Options and check the website
We have now hidden the word ‘by’ meta-sep and the author and vcard, in the entry-meta section.