Show blog contents out of wp-content directory
In my hosting root directory i have the ‘blog’ directory where wordpress is installed.
I also have index.php in the root directory, which is my website’s index.
My problem is to make the index.php show contents from the ‘blog’ directory
My index.php has a portion of code from the sidebar.php in the ‘blog/wp-content/themes/default’
this part:- <h2>Categories</h2>
<?php wp_list_cats(‘sort_column=name&optioncount=1&hierarchical=0’); ?>
It shows up well only when i put my index.php file into the ‘blog/wp-content/themes/default’ directory
My need is to have the index.php file in the root directory displaying content from the /blog directory,
do you know if this is possible? I think I must add some includes and dependencies but don’t know
which, how, or where…
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