Thank you MagicB85!
I’ve been working on this for weeks. You are the only one to provide a solution that works! TYTYTYTYTY!!!!
To sweets6 or anyone having problems finding where to put the code:
After searching ad nauseum this evening, I finally found where that code goes. It goes in the *WIDGET’s* functions.php file.
In retrospect it seems obvious that a widget would have its own functions.php. That little tidbit of info is going to help me tremendously in customizing a few other widgets that have been driving me crazy. <JOY>
Apparently, WP-Dashboard/Appearance/Editor does not show widget files. Well out of equal parts desperation and curiosity, I checked out yesterday’s site-backup (complete ftp copy of entire wp folder) and tracked it down (functions.php) that way.
Find the widget’s functions.php file like this:
You have to open each of those folders one by one til you get to the widget’s functions.php, then edit it in notepad/dreamweaver then upload.
DISCLAIMER: ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP (ie create functions_bak.php) before you change code.
FYI, At first it didn’t work, just adding the few lines of code. Got the dreaded “internal server error.” So I copied the entire codeblock from the answer above. WORKED LIKE A CHARM!!!
Thanks again, MagicB85!