• I have this custom post type with two meta fields that I need to show as toggle controls (RestrictControl and SubscribeControl) in the PluginDocumentSettingPanel sidebar in the block editor. The thing is that I only want to show SubscribeControl when RestrictControl is set. This is the code (redacted for clarity) I’ve got currently but it’s not working. Both controls are always displayed.

    Any ideas?

    let RestrictControl = ({ restrict, onUpdateRestrict }) => (
            label={ __( 'Restrict viewing?' ) }
            checked={ restrict }
            onChange={ restrict => onUpdateRestrict( restrict ) }
    let SubscribeControl = ({ subscribe, onUpdateSubscribe }) => (
            label={ __( 'Add to newsletter?' ) }
            checked={ subscribe }
            onChange={ subscribe => onUpdateSubscribe( subscribe ) }
    const OptionsPanel = () => {
        const postType = select( 'core/editor' ).getCurrentPostType();
        if ( 'custom_type' !== postType ) {
            return null;
        return (
                title={ __( 'Options' ) }
                <RestrictControl />
                { restrict && (
                    <SubscribeControl />
                ) }
    registerPlugin( 'options-panel', {
        render: OptionsPanel,
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