It shows it theme on every page as you can see here:
If you’re using $multipage/$numpage/$pages that may be a problem if your outide the loop, and also with compatibility with some plugins since they are globals and are not reset at every loop instance.
I had a similar problem when I wanted to hide Jetpack Related Posts and show them only on the last page, I’ve tried several times using the aforementioned globals but that wasn’t working, I ended up using str_count on <!–nextpage–> which I’m pretty sure it’s not the most performant way to do it but it’s working at least:
function jetpackme_move_rp_onlastpage() {
/* Moves jetpack related posts and shows it only on last page */
[jetpack code stuff]
remove_filter( 'the_content', $callback, 40 );
if ( ($page[0] == 1) || ($page[0] > 1 && $page[1] == $page[0]) ) {
add_filter( 'the_content', $callback, PHP_INT_MAX-99 );
I’m pretty sure you can come up with a better solution.
P.S. One more thing: it’s not a good idea to use PHP_INT_MAX on the_content() hook otherwise it’s impossible to put other plugins after the footnotes. A better idea would be something like PHP_INT_MAX-1 or 2 so you can have 1 or 2 outputs in the_content after the footnotes.