• freenetica


    Hi, In the page “my account” the toggle to show / hide password does not work, it seems that Astra overrides this Woocomerce function because when I activate another Theme the toggle does appear. Does anyone know how to solve this?
    Thanks, any help will be appreciated.

    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by freenetica.
    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by freenetica.
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  • Hi @freenetica,

    Sorry for my lack. Would you mind sharing a screenshot so I can understand better? Or if you can also share your life site URL, that would be even better.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards,
    Herman ??

    Thread Starter freenetica


    Hello Herman, thank you for answering and excuse me for the lack too.
    I have continued investigating and apparently it is that when activating Astra, the functionality of Woocommerce to show the password with the toggle eye does not work although in the code it is.

    <span class=”show-password-input”> </span>

    I am attaching a couple of screenshots.


    Thank you.

    Thread Starter freenetica


    Hello, I put two more screenshots to show you, when any of the WordPress templates is activated the eye toggle is activated and with Astra it seems that it is overwritten and does not work.
    Does anyone know (or know of any solution) how it is possible that this option does work in Astra?
    I have been testing with plugins and code and it does not work.

    Thanks in advance, regards


    Thread Starter freenetica


    It seems that this code that is in woocommerce.min.js of Woocommerce loads, but it does not execute correctly in Astra

    jQuery(function(s){s(‘.woocommerce form .woocommerce-Input[type=”password”]’).wrap(‘<span class=”password-input”></span>’),s(“.woocommerce form input”).filter(“:password”).parent(“span”).addClass(“password-input”),s(“.password-input”).append(‘<span class=”show-password-input”></span>’),s(“.show-password-input”).on(“click”,function(){s(this).hasClass(“display-password”)?s(this).removeClass(“display-password”):s(this).addClass(“display-password”),s(this).hasClass(“display-password”)?s(this).siblings([‘input[type=”password”]’]).prop(“type”,”text”):s(this).siblings(‘input[type=”text”]’).prop(“type”,”password”)})});`

    Hi @freenetica,

    I can confirm that the same thing is happening on my end.

    Thank you for reporting and for bringing this to our attention. I am going to bring this to our team and will fix it. We are sorry for the inconvenience you may have because of this.

    Kind regards,
    Herman ??

    same here, any fix or update ?

    Hi @jaromim, @freenetica,

    As a temporary solution, please add the CSS from this Gist to your site.

    I hope it will help.

    Kind regards,
    Herman ??

    Is there already more than a temporary solution?

    Unfortunately, the issue is still not fixed and the temporary solution provided above is necessary, @bbua97. We are sorry for the inconvenience you may have because of this.

    Kind regards,
    Herman ??

    Same thing happens to me, please have this fixed asap. Thanks in advance and kind regards.

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