• Hi,

    I’m looking to do something quite specific and was wondering if anyone knew of a suitable plugin or any other way I could achieve this.

    I want to display a poem in a foreign language with a verse-by-verse transliteration and translation that shows up under each verse of the poem. I want to allow viewers to toggle whether to show/hide the original, the transliteration and the translation.

    So, there would be three tick boxes at the top:
    □ Show Original □ Show Transliteration □ Show Translation

    Underneath that would be the poem itself, arranged as follows:

    Original Verse 1
    Translit. of Verse 1
    Translation of Verse 1
    Original Verse 2
    Translit. of Verse 2
    Translation of Verse 2

    Any help on how I can achieve this would be much appreciated!

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  • Wonderful idea! If you don’t want to code this yourself, you will require a plugin to achieve this. I would suggest searching for the following and exploring the options:

    • WordPress block visibility
    • WordPress conditional blocks
    • WordPress collapsible blocks

    Several plugin options are available, all of which will have varying functionality and styles.

    Alternatively, you could create a page with several buttons, each of which links to a child page containing a poem variation/combination. This would not require a plugin, and would allow you to easily share specific variations by linking directly to those pages.

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