There is a way, checkout https://githu…topic/show-only-specific-media-using-wpmedia/media.js and this gif to see it in action
// Open the frame.
var frame = {
multiple: false, // Change to true for multiple file selections.
* Here is where the main magic happens.
* We take the type, e.g. video, image, audio,
* and we send it to library.type which only
* shows the files of that type.
library: { type : type },
} );
By passing audio
, video
, or image
to the library
attribute, you can tell
which files to show.
In my example I add the type to the button directly via a data-
* We need to enqueue our scripts.
* @author Aubrey Portwood
function aubreypwd_wp_forums_metabox_add_media_test_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'aubreypwd-wp-forums-metabox-add-media-test-script', plugins_url( 'media.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery' ), '1.0.0' );
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'aubreypwd_wp_forums_metabox_add_media_test_scripts' );
* Display buttons in a metabox.
* @author Aubrey Portwood
function aubreypwd_wp_forums_metabox_add_media_test_display() {
As you can see below, I've
specified the type in a data-attribute.
This will get passed to as the type of file
you want to show.
@see media.js
<button class="js-add-media-button" data-type="video"><?php _e( 'Select Video', 'wp-forums' ); ?></button>
<button class="js-add-media-button" data-type="image"><?php _e( 'Select Image', 'wp-forums' ); ?></button>
<button class="js-add-media-button" data-type="audio"><?php _e( 'Select Audio', 'wp-forums' ); ?></button>
* Add a metabox to place our buttons.
* @author Aubrey Portwood
function aubreypwd_wp_forums_metabox_add_media_test() {
add_meta_box( 'wp-forums-aubreypwd-add-media-test', __( 'Meta Box', 'wp-forums' ), 'aubreypwd_wp_forums_metabox_add_media_test_display', 'post' );
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'aubreypwd_wp_forums_metabox_add_media_test' );
Hope this helps!