• buggs


    Is there a plug that will show a preview of a draft in the front page where all my posts are shown. Something like “soon to come” and a preview of the first paragraph or something to that effect. Perhaps it can be posted in a different page?

    Just want to give a teaser of drafts or a list containing draft posts that will be published soon.


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  • jaredkc


    I would try adding something in you sidebar.php. I do not know of a plugin but I do things like this all the time. I just input the code into my sidebar. Not as dynamic but it works for me.

    Something like this:

    <h2>Coming Soon</h2>

    <li>Teaser 1</li>
    <li>Teaser 2</li>
    <li>Teaser 3</li>
    <li>Teaser 4</li>

    You can do this in the admin under Presentation >> Theme Editor >> Then select Sidbar. Or you can use edit them locally on you computer first with an HTML program.



    I’m not positive, but maybe he’s looking for something like, how it’s done in the CP of the blog, for when previewing the post, right inside the admin CP right? Something like the below code, but have it in the sidebar.php.

    Which of course, would have to be modified MORE though, maybe I’m wrong… =/

    <div id='preview' class='wrap'>
    <h2 id="preview-post"><?php _e('Post Preview (updated when post is saved)'); ?> <small class="quickjump"><a href="#write-post"><?php _e('edit &uarr;'); ?></a></small></h2>
    <iframe src="<?php echo add_query_arg('preview', 'true', get_permalink($post->ID)); ?>" width="100%" height="600" ></iframe>

    But again, the code would need alot of tweaking and such maybe.. Like for one, the width of the preview window itself, among others.. Or maybe that’s asking too much, moshu would know! LoL! ??




    If that works it would be a much better solution. I need to learn PHP



    If that works it would be a much better solution. I need to learn PHP

    Yeah..I know lol. Same here hehe.. =)


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