• Resolved stosun



    I test this plugin if it is possible to use at my client site.
    I want to create recurring events.
    I want to show at date area of booking form that this event is a recurring event and show the list of other occurence of that event.
    Attandance will be able to select any date of recurring event for booking.

    Is it possible at regular version or pro version?


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  • Thread Starter stosun


    Thank you for your reply.
    I read that article which describes creating and editing of a recurring event.
    I think you misunderstood my question. My questiong is;
    at a event page, to show to customers that this event is a recurring one and listing of next dates of this event.
    May be;to give selection ability the next date for booking.
    Is it possible at regular version or pro version?

    I see, you can do this using regular version but you need to create custom search attributes for this

    e.g. [events_list recurring=1]

    to create custom search attributes – https://wp-events-plugin.com/tutorials/creating-custom-event-search-attributes/

    Thread Starter stosun


    Many thanks for your reply.
    I am new at this plugin.
    I see #_EVENTDATES at Setting/formating tab.
    So sorry, I don’t know where I put [events_list recurring=1].


    You would need to put that within the formatting for the single event post. See Events > Settings > Formatting within the admin for where that is.


    Thread Starter stosun


    Hi Philipjohn,
    It doesn’t work at setting/formatting tab.

    Let me change question to get easier.

    I look for a shortcode that shows all single events of a recurring event.
    For example; ID of recurring event is post_id=”590″ and has a event every two month. I want to see list of days of occurence for specific post_id,
    [events_list recurring=”1″ post_id=”590″ ]#F #d – #@F #@d #_EVENTNAME [/events_list] that didn’t work.



    [events_list recurrence="590" ]
    #F #d - #@F #@d #_EVENTNAME
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