Hi Meitar.
First of all, wonderfull plugin – great work! Thanks ??
I too have read this readme file on how to display a certain sheet, cause I have 4 different sheets in my spreadsheet, and want to display them in different locations on my page.
I have this one (test sheet):
[gdoc key=”https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19xBIy3YGenl1CGRvETsbQQtlDoNsF1Y3HqDspZpR0vU/edit#gid=134871641″ chart=”Bars” chart_aggregation_target=”auto”]
As I see it, it should show the sheet with the “gid=134871641”, but actually it shows the same as this one:
[gdoc key=”https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dw_2FdFoljidAcRJHcZhO-VvKL-rzRgbuDxuxEiStIw/pubhtml” chart=”Bars” chart_aggregation_target=”auto”]
Both addreses show the same sheet on my page. Also tried removing the “edit#” in front of gid= and so on…
The sheet(gid) I want the plugin to point to, has this address:
But the one it points to has this address:
What am I missing?
Best regards