OK, that worked perfectly. Thanks once again.
I have noticed something that I would like to inform you about. If I define the calendar inside Gutenberg as a PGC block or a shortcode, the grid view displays more than one event per day differently than it does when you set it with Elementor. Everything else is almost identical. To be more precise, in the first scenario it will show one event inside the square field/day and add something like “+12 more” if it has 12 events that day. If set inside Elementor it shows the list of all the events for that day right away.
Additionally, I am trying to understand how to achieve the same result with shortcode and JSON. With your help, I managed to get the shortcode to display the ListView with the specified start date. However, for the Gutenberg block, I can’t get it to work. You might ask why I want to do that in the first place. Well, because of what I wrote at the beginning. When someone wants to check the grid/month view it would be much better for her/him to be able to see all the events for a specific date, without being confused by that +n link, and that only works correctly inside Elementor setup.
"validRange": {
"start": "2020-05-25"
"defaultView": "listWeek",
"eventDescription": "true",
"header": {
"left": "prev,next today",
"center": "title",
"right": "dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,listWeek"
[pgc public=”true” calendarids=”id1,id2,id3″ default_view=”listWeek” valid_range-start=”2020-05-25″ first_day=”1″ eventpopup=”true” eventdescription=”true”]