Well, this one is tricky and I am afraid is not easily done. I promise to implement more flexibility around user permissions, but for now it will require hacking core of the plugin. Plugin does not update a lot, so you shouldn’t worry. I will include those changes in the next update, so you are safe ??
Right, navigate to plugins folder in /wp-content/plugins/tweet-wheel/. We will be changing two files… don’t worry though. Changes are simple.
In /tweetwheel.php change line 337 from
if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) )
if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) )
or any other role capability of your chosen user role. I will assume you want the role “Editor” to access plugin’s settings for now.
In includes/tw-ajax.php change any “manage_options” to “edit_posts” – lines: 24, 77, 106, 135, 176, 211, 246, 285.
In includes/admin/class-tw-menus.php change any “administrator” occurrence to “editor” or any other role you would like to have access to the plugin settings. You can do search & replace if you want.
This should allow users with a role Editor to use Tweet Wheel without any problems. Let me know how it goes!